Chapter 3: The Unexpected News

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As days turned into weeks, Angela and Nyla's suspicions grew stronger, and their determination to uncover the truth about Tim and Lucy's relationship intensified. They began to discreetly gather evidence, using their detective skills to piece together the puzzle that had eluded them for so long.

One afternoon, as Tim and Lucy were on a routine patrol, Angela and Nyla seized the opportunity to search their desks. Carefully sifting through papers and personal items, they hoped to find a clue that would confirm their suspicions.

"Angela, I think I found something," Nyla whispered, holding up a small envelope.

Angela peered at it, her heart racing with anticipation. Inside the envelope was a picture of Tim and Lucy, taken at a recent precinct event. They were standing close, their smiles unguarded, radiating a warmth that couldn't be ignored.

"Looks like we've got our evidence," Angela said triumphantly.

Nyla nodded, a mixture of excitement and concern in her eyes. "Now that we know, what do we do with this information?"

Angela leaned in, her voice hushed. "We need to approach them carefully, make sure they know we're here to support them. They've managed to keep this hidden for a reason."

Later that evening, Angela and Nyla invited Tim and Lucy to join them for dinner at a local restaurant. The air was filled with a mix of tension and curiosity as they settled into a corner booth, their plates filled with food yet their minds focused on the conversation ahead.

As the dinner progressed, Angela broached the subject delicately. "You know, we've noticed something between the two of you."

Tim exchanged a glance with Lucy, his expression guarded. "What are you talking about?"

Nyla chimed in, her tone empathetic. "We've seen the way you interact, the little moments you share. It's clear there's a deep connection."

Lucy bit her lip, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "We... We don't know what you're insinuating."

Angela leaned forward, her gaze steady. "We know you're dating."

The confession hung in the air, a tense silence enveloping the table. Tim and Lucy exchanged another glance, this time a mix of surprise and resignation.

After a moment, Lucy sighed, her shoulders relaxing as she met Angela's gaze. "Okay, you got us. We are dating."

Tim nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, you figured it out."

Angela and Nyla exchanged knowing glances before breaking into grins. "We're glad you're being honest with us," Nyla said, her tone sincere.

Over the course of the evening, the conversation flowed more freely, and the tension dissipated. Angela and Nyla assured Tim and Lucy of their support, understanding the challenges they had faced in keeping their relationship hidden.

As the dinner came to an end, Lucy's face took on a thoughtful expression. "There's actually something else we wanted to share."

The table fell silent once again, the anticipation palpable.

Lucy took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm pregnant."

The news landed like a shockwave, but Angela and Nyla quickly recovered, their expressions shifting from surprise to genuine happiness.

Nyla grinned. "Congratulations! That's wonderful news."

Angela nodded in agreement. "We're here for you every step of the way."

With the truth now out in the open, Tim and Lucy felt a weight lifted off their shoulders. Angela and Nyla had proven to be the supportive friends they needed, and as they left the restaurant that night, the bond between the four officers had deepened in unexpected and beautiful ways.

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