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Haydn and Beethoven met again in 1792. Beethoven showed him some music and Haydn asked him if he could be his pupil. Beethoven agreed and in November 1792, he became his pupil.

While studying piano, Beethoven yelled at Haydn because he was too busy writing his own music. Haydn felt disrespected and he and Beethoven almost exchanged blows. Now Haydn realized that Beethoven was just a rebellious teenager. "How can I learn from you if you keep scribbling notes on your stupid paper?" Beethoven yelled as he walked away. That night, he apologized to Haydn but he never accepted his apology so he locked himself in an abandoned house for seven hours. When Haydn found him, Haydn had to force him by sneaking in through the window and dragged him out. "Why did you lock yourself here?" He asked. "Because I want to be a great musician like your dead friend, Mozart." Beethoven yelled. "Don't reply to me in that tone young man. And Mozart still lives in my heart." He replied. And the two parted ways.

Haydn returned to London for the second time and he performed and conducted symphonies in there. He found out that his pupil was taking lessons from other teachers but he pretended not to care.

Finally in August 1795, Haydn went to see Beethoven at a concert. He was performing his three piano trios opus 1. He was so tired and Beethoven asked him if he liked it. "The third part of that trio should be improved before you publish it." He replied. Beethoven was angry, he walked out.

When Haydn received news that his pupil became deaf and wants suicide, he quickly visited him at Heilingenstadt, a village.

Beethoven was depressed but he felt guilty about yelling at his teacher before. But Haydn was there to treat him as a friend, not as an enemy. He and Beethoven ate together and Beethoven said to Haydn: I love you teacher. Haydn smiled and before he left, Haydn looked around the village. He was amazed by the nature. But he fell to the ground. He had a heart attack.

He recovered. But on May 30, 1809, he played The Emperor's Hymn one last time at his piano. He was asked by his maid if there is anyone in his life whom he considered as a friend.  He said that theres two people: Beethoven and Mozart. The maid was shocked. "I know Mozart is your friend but Beethoven? Why him? She asked. "I forgave Beethoven. You see if friends have done something bad to you but immediately regrets it, you need to forgive him." He said. "However, there is a difference between forgiving and trusting." He added. And the next day, Haydn died of a cardiac arrest. He was 77 years old.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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