Baby Preath

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Los Angeles FC vs OL Reign

It would've been the first time Christen and Tobin would have played against one another after getting married, but Christen unfortunately is out due to injury. They haven't publicly said that they were married, but the hard Preath shippers know, but respect their privacy.

During the players' warmups, the big screen shows Christen Press walking out of the tunnel, with her crutch, being escorted by Jennifer Garner and Glennon Doyle, waving to all the vans who showed up to support. Tobin sees this and her lips subtly tug upwards.

Christen sits down at her seat and watches everyone on the field, sneaking in glances at Tobin, not bothering to hide her smile when they lock eyes. Before you know it, the game had started.

Eight minutes in, Angel City was able to get around OL Reign's defense and get a goal by Ali Riley. The crowd goes wild. Even Christen gets up from her seat to cheer her teammates on from the audience. Eighty minutes in, Angel City was able to get another goal to put them up ahead 2-1.

All of this cheering, however, reached all the way into the locker room, where your little ears wears able to hear to crowd's excitement. You stirred, sitting up, rubbing you eyes with your fist. Looking around, you look for where your Mommy could be, but couldn't see her.

Your eyes started to water and bottom lip starts to quiver, you just wanted you Mommy. Looking around, should started to recognize where you were, so you looked for the door, opened it, and started walking out. You've been here many times, so you knew where everything is, especially how to get to the field.

You walk a bit more until you see the light at the end of the tunnel. You begin walking faster, but not much as you have short legs.

As you get closer, the noises got louder, a little too loud for your liking.

"Woah." You said to yourself. You were amazed by how many people you see all around you, distracting you from your quest to find your Mommy. Unfortunately, the crowd cheers again, even louder than before.

"MOMMY!" You cried out. "MOMMY!" Tears started streaming down your face. Luckily, the person that was supposed to be watching you comes running out of the tunnel, your backpack hanging from her shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N. It's okay." She crouched down, wrapping her arms around you. She was one of your favorite staff members on the team. She always watched you and played with you while Christen was practicing.

"I wan Mommy!" You cried into her shoulder.

"Okay. Let's go to Mommy." She stood up with you still in her arms. She walked up a couple of steps, seeing Christen sitting on one of the seats. "Hey, look who's over there." She said pointing towards Christen's direction.

You life your head out from her neck to look at where she was pointing. "MOMMY!" You yelled, wiggling in her arms, trying to escape. She sets you down on the ground, where you immediately run off to Christen. "MOMMY!" You yelled again, crashing into her hood leg, trying to climb up.

Christen is surprised, not expecting to see you. She sees you lifting your arms over your head, picking you up and setting you on her lap facing her.

"Hi, Bubs. What are you doing up from your nap."

"Too loud Mommy." You lay your head on her chest. "I miss you."

She wraps both her arms around you. "I missed you too bubs." She grabs your earmuffs from you bag, the bag that the person that was taking care of you gave to her, and puts them over your ears, hearing you sigh in relief.

You were now happily watching the game with your ear muffs, seeing your Mama play. The last couple minutes left, you Mama gets subbed out.

"Mama no play no more?" You ask Christen.

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