Chapter 16

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I laughed and set my things on my desk. Taking a deep breath, I faced Jake’s door and was about to walk forward and knock when it flung open.

“Woah, Jessica. I didn’t see you there.”

It felt like a potato sack to the stomach: Scarlet.

Coming out of Jake’s office.

Messy haired.

Smudged lipstick.

Shirt undone.

Did I mention she was coming out of Jake’s office?


“Are you okay Jessica?” Scarlet asked, looking at me worriedly.

“Hm?” I cleared my throat. “Yeah I’m uh – I’m fine. Just dandy actually.”

She shrugged, then glimpsed at the bag in my hand. “Are you looking for Jake?”

“Yeah I was just going to bring him his muffins.” My voice cracked several times.

“Oh, sweetie, that won’t be necessary. I already brought it for him.”

I had the urge to smack her and tell her that that was my job, but instead I just smiled and said, “Thanks Scarlet.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied and smiled back.

I watched as she strutted off, her heels clacking sharply on the floor.

“Scarlet! You forgot your – oh. Hi Jessica.”

I stiffened and turned around slowly to face Jake. He was staring at me with a shocked expression, his hands running through his messy hair (which he should not have). My gaze traveled down to his shirt (which was buttoned incorrectly).

“Hello Jake,” I said finally with an icy tone.

Jake winced. “What’re you doing here?”

“What do you mean what am I doing here? I work here,” I told him coldly.

Jake laughed nervously. “Oh, right.”

I suddenly felt a bit nauseous and walked towards my desk, turning my back to Jake.

“Jessica, that wasn’t what it looked like.” Jake approached me slowly.

“Oh, no. Don’t bother wasting your breath lying. Of course it was what it looked like,” I said sarcastically.

“Jessica –”

“God, how could I have been so stupid?” I leaned forward against my table, my face heating up in humiliation.

“Jessica –”

“I mean, you’re married to her, Jake. Married. And here I thought that you might have actually had feelings for me. And then I acted on it. And I thought that you did have feelings for me. Or at least, that’s what it seemed like.”

“If you would just listen –”

“Well I suppose I would never get anything as long as she’s around right?”

Jake looked away from me. “That’s not a fair question.”

“Of course it’s a fair question.” I laughed dryly, wishing I hadn’t come to work today, wishing I hadn’t gone over to his apartment yesterday. “You’ve answered it once before haven’t you? And the answer was her. I don’t know what about her intrigues you so much, but I guess she’s got it and I don’t. And I know I’ve said this so many times before, but I’m stronger now and –”

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