Chapter 1: The Great Collapse

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(This Story begins in Age 855, three years after the events of XV2. Note this is my Very first story so if some Grammar or other things are strange that's why.)

Meanwhile in an alternate timeline.

After Fu's Tampering with the flow of time, Chronoa became Concerned about how much more the universe could handle. In an effort to protect history, Trunks and the other time patrollers took action by attacking Fu head one.

Unfortunately their efforts were to waist as they fell to his hands. Conton City was completely destroyed, only a few citizens survived the great collapse of everything. Chronoa was upset at her failure protect history, she also gave up the role of supreme kai of time as a result by destroying her potara's.

Trunks: Calm Down Chronoa, sure we failed but we can strike back.

Chronoa: No you don't understand Trunks it's all over now, the timeline, everything is going to end. Without me there will be protection. The best thing to do is just wait for everything to end.

Trunks: No You don't understand, I'm not giving up ever. Not until I'm dead Chronoa, I will protect everyone no matter the cost.

Chronoa: But Trunks there is simply no way we ca-

Trunks interrupted her with his speech.

Trunks: I don't care if it seems impossible. We can do it, we can take back all that we lost.

Chronoa was speechless by his confidence to help, this warmed her heart immensely and it gave her the motivation she needed to fight back with him.

Chronoa: Alright then, let's do this Trunks we can Fight back indeed!!!!

After this Trunks and Chronoa got closer the more they worked together. Eventually it became clear that the two of them had feelings for each other. Chronoa fell in love with Trunks and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She also wanted kids but since she was a Kaioshin it was going to be rather difficult to do so. After a wish from the Dragon Balls her dream came true.

Chronoa: Trunks Look at her isn't she so cute and adorable?!!!!

Trunks: Yeah she is so beautiful!!!!

Baby Xion: mommy, pappy!!!!

Xion's green Hair was something Truly Remarkable,. Making her stand out. It was clear she would have tons of potential, having both Godly energy and Saiyan blood coursing through her veins.

Throughout the Years Xion Grew up and trained with her father. She gained a strong body that was stronger than Trunks could ever imagine. This was made apparent in Age 875. Xion was now 20 Years old and was a fighting machine.

Xion: Alright dad I'm ready for your full power.

Trunks: This is it, now it's time to give it my all and see what your really made of.

The Father and Daughter fought to the very end in an intense fight. Xion didn't have any transformations but she was so strong she didn't need any sort of power up. Trunks was impressed by how much she pushed him, wrecking the floor with his super saiyan Rage Powers.

Trunks: Damn your good, alright enough of this. Now it's over here is my full power Galick Gun!!!!

Xion: Omg that energy it's amazing!!!! There is no need to worry, I will win!!!!

Xion jumps right into the Galick gun and slices through it like butter. It was clear that Trunks couldn't beat her even if he wanted, making him proud of her.

Trunks: Wow you beat me fair and square, good job.

Xion: That's no fair, you were holding back wouldn't you. I didn't even break a sweat dad.

Trunks: Nope I was giving it my all your simply too strong for me.

Xion: uhhh I'm that good, oh my goodness now I can finally take on Fu and save everyone.

At that moment Chronoa felt Fu's presence as he got closer to them.

Chronoa: He found us we need to get ready.

Xion: Ok I will take him down.

Chronoa: No Xion you need stand back.

Trunks: I know your strong but there is no way in hell you could come even close to Fu's power.

Xion: oh come on I want to beat his ass. He is going to pay for all the lives he has taken.

Chronoa: Xion you know what we want you to do.

Xion: I know Mom but does it have to go this way?

Chronoa: Fu is too strong, it's the only chance we have to save everyone.

The Truth sinks into her head as she realizes what had to be done for all of this to finally be over. Xion got the Key to the time vault, running to a cyber time machine. As this happened, Fu attacked conton city. Her parents tried their best to fight him but it was no use.

Chronoa: Damn he is so strong!!!!!

Trunks: Come on we can at least hold him off until the time machine is ready.

Fu: I don't think that's going to work buddy!!!!

In one huge slash Trunks was severely injured where he almost couldn't move. Pure Anger surged into Chronoa seeing her husband have no chance in fighting back. She used every bit of energy she could to hold Fu but in the meantime Xion was having issues activating the Time Machine.

Xion: Wait why isn't it working? Not enough fuel oh no Mom didn't put enough fuel into the gas tank. This thing is useless what am I supposed to do now?!!!

After some troubleshooting Xion saw that there was enough Reserved Oil that could let her go on one trip to the past. But that would mean she couldn't return back and this made her upset. But after activating Reserve mode, she was teleported to Conton City as she activated the machine.

Chronoa Kept fighting Fu Until she was stabbed in the Gut with his sword. Xion was pissed and she wanted to fight but it was almost time as the time machine was almost completely ready.

Fu: Why are you smiling Chronoa? Huh oh no you don't, I am not going to let you go back!!!!

Right after he launched a large blast Towards Xion Chronoa Jumped right in the way, taking every bit of the damage. It was clear that this was the end as Xion was frozen in fear watching her Mom begin to melt away. In the smoke Xion could hear her mothers voice one last time.

Chronoa: Your amazing Xion, I am so happy we got to have some fun together. I know I am going to miss a lot but me and your Dad will always love you baby, We will always be together in your heart. Oh yeah and one more thing, be sure to give my Past Self a nice hug once you see her ok. Goodbye Xion I love you so much!!!

At this moment Chronoa melted away without a trace, making Xion cry in an emotional breakdown but Right when Fu tried to attack her it was done. The time machine activated itself and was sending Xion back in Time. Meanwhile during the travel she passed out in the seat from all of the stress as she made her way to Age 852.

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