Chapter 2: The Arrival

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We then see conton city which is in the main timeline. It is Currently Age 852 and the Time Patrollers are training for a new tournament that was announced!!!!

Time Patroller 1: You dude you ready to kick some butt in this tournament?!!!!

Time Patroller 2: Oh Hell Yeah, but dude I'm going to win the money just letting you know bro!!!

Lots of Time Patrollers are Training and also breaking some rules at the same time such as doing a beam struggle in the middle of the city. Time Patroller Ace then showed up and knocked them out with ease as he revoked their flying license.

Ace: I swear some of these new guys simply never learn, huh what is that?

In the sky there is what seems to be an asteroid heading their way but it was tiny. It was traveling really fast though as the time Patrollers panicked wondering what it was.

Ace: Supreme Kai Of Time there is unknown object approaching the CITY!!!!

Chronoa runs out of the time nest and sees it heading straight towards the Conton City Hologram. She flies into the air and quickly shoots an orb that catches the Object. With the object successfully stopped Chronoa lays it down on the ground safely as she then observes it, telling everyone to get back. Trunks then arrived to the scene.

Trunks: Supreme Kai Of Time did you stop it?

Chronoa: Yes I did everything is ok but what in the, this ship its like your mothers Time Machine Trunks.

Trunks: There is no way, wait a minute there is no Hope signed on here though.

Chronoa rubbed the glass as she sees a woman with green hair passed out and sleeping on the seat.

Chronoa: There is a woman in their trunks let's get her out!!!

Trunks and chronoa open the top of the time machine as smoke goes everywhere. The Two take the woman to the time nest to discover who she is. Little did they know it was their future daughter Xion.

Trunks: She is in rough shape I wonder what happened to her.

Chronoa: It looks like she is Time Patroller but from the future.

Trunks: Maybe she had a tough time on a mission.

Chronoa: Yeah I guess but something seems different here.

Xion while she was laying down starts to wake up slowly as she begins to open her eyes. Chronoa and Trunks are surprised she woke up this quickly and was prepared to calm her down.

Chronoa: Oh hey there it's me the Supreme Kai Of Time, are you ok?

Xion: Huh wait what? Where am I what is this place?!?!!

Trunks: This is the time nest but don't worry about it, your safe here.

Xion then realized it was her parents right in front of her as she jumped for a hug from Chronoa.

Xion: Oh My God!!!!!

Chronoa: ummm what are you doing? I'm happy that your thanking me like this but wow your hug is tight, your crushing my ribs!!!!!

Xion: Oh I'm sorry ma- I mean Supreme Kai Of Time.

Trunks: Who are you exactly and what happened?

Xion: Hello there my name is Xion and I traveled from the future to warn you about a dangerous individual.

Chronoa: Who is that, wait a minute I might have an idea. It's Fu isn't it, that kid is driving me nuts!!!

Xion: Fu Killed my parents and destroyed my Timeline so I have no where else to go. You have to stop him before it's too late!!!

Chronoa and Trunks both looked at each other with a serious glare as they knew she wasn't lying. Meanwhile Xion was thinking of something stupid, why was her mom so small looking.

Xion: I would describe more but unfortunately I can't as it involves both of you.

Chronoa: I understand that, you don't want us to know a certain upcoming event that involves us. Don't worry Xion as the protector of Time I completely agree.

Xion: However before we get down to the nitty gritty, can I wash up and eat some food?!!!!

Trunks gave her the death stare.

Trunks: You don't want her cooking, it's sickening!!!!!

Chronoa: No Xion I can make some good Yummy stew for you!!! 😈😈

Xion: Ok why in the hell are you guys acting like that?!!! 😳

After this Chronoa and Trunks finally stop yelling and Xion made her way to the shower. Her uniform was dirty but it could easily be cleaned. She slipped off her shoes, arm cuffs and body suit off her slim and muscular form. There were multiple scars on her back from all the intense battles she had gone through in her life. She felt extremely satisfied as the water touched her skin. She placed her hand on the wall of the shower as steam filled the room. Xion was one beautiful woman indeed. She thought about how young her parents looked and it was going to be quite hard to not mention their coming relationship. Once she was done washing up she put on the body suit after Chronoa cleaned it for her. 

Chronoa: Alright Xion do you want a tour of the city?

Xion: Well Im still hungery mom I mean Supreme Kai Of Time

Chronoa: Then lets go get some food!!!

Xion: Wait a minute what about that stew?

Chronoa: Xion all jokes aside I can't cook good at all lol.

Trunks: Its bad, save yourself the trouble and just eat some burgers in town!!!

Xion and Chronoa then went to the food market. Many of the male time patrollers were distracted by How sexy Xion really was. This made her feel weird as they stared at her rear but she brushed it off. She found a nice burger joint that she then ordered from. Thank goodness Chronoa gave her some Zeni cause it was quite high. But after just a couple of seconds it was already ready!!

Worker: Alright here is your Burger Meal enjoy!!

Xion: Wait a minute already there is no way it was that fast. What is this bag I didn't want this?

Worker: Ummm Thats your food there.

Xion: Huhhhh That is my food.....

Xion was confused as in her time there was no fast food places or anything. all she had to eat was her moms cooking.

Xion: What about the plates, civil war and other things?

Chronoa: Why would you need that Xion? Just eat the burger from the wrapper its that simple.

Xion felt quite weird but she did just that and I loved the food. After eating a nice meal she saw that the tournment was accepting last minute sign ups and Xion was ready for a fight.

Xion: I am signing up guys.

Chronoa: What about Fu?

Xion: I can use this as a training oppertunity and warmup before we take him on!!!

Chronoa realized this was good plan so she was ok with it.

Tournament Rep: Would you like to sign up for the big conton city tournament?!!!!

Xion: Yes sir I am competing for sure!!!

She then signed her name as another woman walked by, this person had a strong aura and was defintley strong making Xion excited for the amazing battles!!!!

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