47. christmas with the potters.

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Dear Mum and Dad,

Happy Christmas Eve Eve! (Happy December 23rd).

I miss you guys! I'm loving it at the Potters', as always. Here's basically what's been happening:

Thomas and Ben are still annoyingly obsessed with each other. As you told me to, I've been making sure they're never alone with the door closed. You two can trust me.

Marls, Gwen, and I went to get our nails done the other day! Muggles have this fun tradition where they go to a store, pay a person money, then get pretty colours on their nails! Since it's almost Christmas, I got some red stars. I think they look wonderful. Also, Gwen got a haircut, since her hair was getting a bit out of control. I didn't, though, since I like my hair to be halfway down to my waist.

Dad will be happy to know (and not the least bit surprised) that I've been practicing Quidditch like crazy. Of course, since it's my seventh year, so I've only got a few games left! I can't believe it. Last night, James and I practiced at midnight! (Don't tell Mr. and Mrs. Potter!)

Speaking of James, he and I have been assigned to taking Snuffles the niffler on his daily walks. Apparently, Snuffles loves snow and goes crazy if he sees it, but can't touch it. So, every morning, James and I put on our winter coats and walk Snuffles to the park and back.

Today, we're having our gift exchange. In addition to our gifts to everyone, we also decided to do a thing where we each were assigned to one person to give them an additional gift. I got James. I've bought him a book of N.E.W.T. tips and enchanted it to be read off with my voice—a hilarious gag gift. I know he'll find it funny.

I'll write to you two again soon, but James is calling me for our daily walks. Bye!



She rolled up the piece of parchment, clipped it onto Aura the owl, and sent it off. She was already wearing a thick purple sweater and black sweatpants, so she simply threw on her white winter coat, just as James barged into her room.

"Hey, Daisy," he said. He was wearing a blue hoodie, gray sweatpants, and a black jacket. "Ready to go? Snuffles is going a bit crazy because of how much it snowed last night."

"Oh, yeah, I saw the snow last night," she said, remembering the previous night when so much snow was falling that the sight out of Daisy's window was just white. "And I'm ready. Let's go!"

The two of them skipped down the stairs. James' mother was waiting at the bottom, holding Snuffles in her arms—she had always been the niffler's favourite. She set Snuffles down.

"Have fun on your walk," she told them, "and be safe! It's a bit slippery outside. It's nine right now, so you two better be back before nine-thirty."

"Don't worry about us, Mum," assured James. Mrs. Potter shot him a stern look.

"You keep Daisy safe, darling," she said. "She's not as used to walking Snuffles in this weather as you are."

"I won't let anything happen to her," chuckled James. Daisy smiled. "Bye, Mum!"

He kissed Mrs. Potter on the cheek and Daisy waved at her before the two of them, along with Snuffles, trotted out of the house.

It was an extremely cold day outside, but Snuffles seemed to be perfectly fine and was happily leading the two teenagers out of the barriers surrounding the Potter home. Daisy pulled her hood over her head.

"It's freezing," said Daisy. James sighed and a puff of air came out from his mouth due to said cold.

"I don't understand how Snuffles likes this," he said. "Sorry that you always have to come with me on these walks. You can sleep in tomorrow—I'll try to force Gwen to get up before noon."

Crescent Moons ; J.S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now