Chapter 10: Let me put you on hold (Russia 2012)

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Natasha's point of view

As Lila runs back her Laur giggling. I look over and I see Cooper with big smile on his face watching his little sister run around. Like how I use to watch Yelena.

His eyes meet mine and his smile doesn't fade, he just keeps smiling at me 'You ok buddy' I sign to him from across the room. I remember his happy face when he found out I could sign since they all had learn for when Birdbrain loses his hearing aids.

He cocks his head at me before signing back 'Your my favourite hero too Auntie Nat, don't tell dad' I chuckle a little. When I was younger the last thing I thought would happen would be a child thinking of me as a hero.

'Thanks Cooper, don't worry I won't tell your dad' I sign back looking at Clint whose deep in conversation with Laur and Lila. He giggles.

'I like them, you know your family, especially Yelena' he signs and I can't help but smile. I'm happy they approve of my other family I remember how nervous I was introducing Yelena to the Barton's praying they'd get along.

'That means a lot Coop' I sign.

Cooper gives me a big smile before playing with his little brother.

People say a picture is worth a thousand words I say a smile is worth more. Maybe that's why I don't smile on missions... who knows.

"Ok we're going back four years from the last clip" 764a booms in all our ears.

"Tell me I'm in this one!" Tony whines.

"Oh shut up Mr impatience what are you 4?" I call out to him he pokes his tongue out at me. He does know he's proving my point right?

"No Mr Stark, this clip takes place in Russia 2012" 764a tells all of us mostly Tony.

"RUSSIA!!!" Alexi yells excitedly obviously very enthusiastic about the mention of his birth place.

Everyone turns to us Yelena and Melina cover their faces with their hands. I just tap Alexi on the shoulder. "да ладно, девчонки, вы такие непатриотичные" Alexi tells us we all just glare at him before he grumbles and leaves us alone. (come on, girls, you are so unpatriotic)

"Let's get started!" 764a booms.

The scene opens with dramatic music leading onto a platform in a old abounded warehouse a guard walks over and slaps me across the face as I groan.

"Natasha what did you do!" Alexi calls out like I just burnt his birthday cake all over again.

"Oh relax" I groan.

I throw my head back shaking the hair off my face. I'm tied to a chair there's a chandelier in the back ground and I'm wearing a black dress.

"не так я хотел, чтобы этот вечер прошел" Luchkov tells me he's obvious annoyed so I clap back "Поверь мне, это лучше" I say calmly. (this is not how I wanted this evening to go) (Believe me this is better)

Everyone looks at me a little confused. "How was the evening supposed to go" Wanda asked a hint of disgust in her voice.

I look over at Fury and Maria before turning back to Wanda "Well you know I tracked him down acted clueless and let him think he was in charge you know men love that stuff" I glare at Tony he shrinks knowing I'm talking about 'Natalie' "I then you know let him take me back to his base worked my seduction powers, then told him I going to get freshened up and that I would be right back then someone caught me sneaking around but I wanted them to and here we are!" I tell her everyone gives me a weird looks. Wanda gives me a fake smile and looks away.

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