Chapter 4

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Third person pov

He didn't succeed in dropkicking Kakashi off the roof, but that's not to say he didn't try. Multiple times, and from multiple different angles. Naruto would get there one day.

Their introductions had gone about as smoothly as they could've, which is to say that they went incredibly rockily and they'll be lucky if their team lasts the week. Normally, Naruto probably would've rambled on for the sole purpose of annoying Sasuke as much as humanly possible, but he was still recovering from the incident

Better to keep it succinct-- the sooner he got it over with, the sooner he could go cry himself to sleep. After tattling to his apparently-already-pissed dad. Kashi was going to need more than one therapy appointment after everything was all said and done, that's for certain.

It could've been worse. It just also could've been way better. Sakura still looked vaguely wary of Naruto, glancing at his stomach every so often like she expected Kurama to explode out of it at any moment and rip her face off. As if he'd bother. If Kurama was eating anyone, Sasuke was first on the menu.

Naruto's introduction could be summed up into a short collection of major points: He liked ramen and flowers, he didn't like Sasuke, and his dreams for the future were to achieve world peace and be as put together as Ayumu was. One of things was never gonna happen-- you can probably guess which one. 

He would've gone on a long rant about finding Kurama's siblings, but that was certified P.P.I. Personal Private Information. He wasn't at liberty to discuss that with anyone aside from Ayumu. And Shikamaru and Lee, because they were all super tight and also Naruto had no idea how to shut the fuck up. Kurama had given up being upset about it, honestly.

Sakura's entire introduction had been along the lines of wanting to marry Sasuke and make babies with him, which was... special. Naruto hoped she really did utilize that business card Kakashi gave her. She clearly needed it.

Sasuke didn't even give an introduction, that's how shellshocked he still was. If he never talked again, maybe the sacrifice of lip locking was worth it. Naruto would never be subject to his (not very good) insults, nor would he have to deal with the daily headaches that would inevitably come with having to listen to him breathe his thoughts out into the open air.

Kakashi's introduction was useless, but Naruto knew him well enough that it didn't really matter. Maybe he'd give his new bunk buddies the PSA on him tomorrow, but honestly? There wasn't much to the masked man. He was traumatized, a pervert, liked dogs, and not all that bad once you got to know him. Comments on the incident aside.

As much as Naruto wanted to be angry at him for not mentioning Naruto's team placement, he couldn't muster up the fire. He knew it wasn't his fault-- he knew it wasn't his dad's fault, either. It was the council doing what they did best: slimy council things. And worse, Naruto wasn't sure how much he could blame them as well.

The idea of anyone wanting to control Kurama made his blood boil and his stomach turn, but he simultaneously understood the mortal terror that had to come from knowing the fox could come out at any give time. As much as Naruto trusted and loved Kurama with all his heart, he was under no false illusions about what he was capable of, or what he'd done in the past.

Naruto knows the fox did it because he was angry-- angry of being treated like a monster, of being locked away and left to rot inside a seal, inside of people who didn't even see him as a thinking and feeling being. Naruto would rampage too if he were in Kurama's... paws? Yeah, paws.

Even with his reasons though, that didn't change the fact that he had hurt people. He'd destroyed the village, he'd killed thousands in his lifetime. He'd killed Naruto's parents in a fit of outrage, all to try and keep from being sealed again. Naruto understood, knew the fox had changed, but how was anyone else supposed to know that?

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