Reading List Descriptions

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We have provided some loose descriptions of our reading lists. Please feel free to attach your own interpretations of the reading list titles to the story you have in mind. We all have varying ways or seeing the world, and while our interpretations of the provided reading lists may differ, we always want the chance to indulge in the stories you connect with mental health.

A New Day - A reading list dedicated to stories and characters looking to begin anew. If your story involves a character on the verge of a new beginning, leaving past traumas and challenges behind, or embracing every day as an opportunity to start again, this reading list may be for you.

Lost Mind - There's often a beauty in the telling of the stories of mental illness. For the characters in the midst of struggling and those looking for a story where they can identify with the challenges of a character's mental health.

Beating My Illness - Though we often use terms like "beating" and "overcoming," allow this reading list to act as a space for those stories involving characters learning to manage their symptoms of mental illness, accepting their illness for its realities, and going against the stigma associated with mental illness. That's the true meaning behind "beating" mental illness.

Self Love - For those characters and stories who love or are learning to love themselves. Bring all the affirming messages, acts of self care, and discovery to our Self Love reading list.

For further information on submission requirements and instructions, please visit our chapter on Reading List Submission Guidelines.

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