Chapter 3

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I walked out of the class, when i felt someone pulled my arm.

"Hey, I'm cara" she said smiling

"Im not asking" i said and try to walked out again

"So you're new here?" Cara said again catching up on me

"Seriously!? You're not going to apologized on your behavior earlier?" I said to her looking annoyed

She looks amazed.
"What behavior are you talking about?" She said

"You crashed into me earlier thats why im late on my 1st class! And you give me a detention!"

She looked at me 1st and laugh like a crazy woman.

"Oh so that's you! Haha! Im sorry about that!" She stop laughing, looked at me and smiled

Oh godd her smile, im staring at her like a fool again, im feeling butterflies on stomach
Then she snapped her fingers in front of me,

"Hey are you okay? She said smirking at me.

Get yourself together kendall! For gods sake! She's a girl! You can't possibly have a crush on her!
I said to myself.

" oh im sorry , im just thinking if i should forgive after all the trouble you gave me, i said to her sarcastically,

"Okay, im not asking for your forgiveness, i just want to hangout with you sometimes." She said smiling,

She turn around and started walking away on the opposite direction when i heard her call me again,

"Hey jenner?" She said

"What?" I snapped at her

"You're blushing " she smirked and walked away

I am left there shocked!



Im smiling like an idiot while heading to our table in the school's cafeteria .
That girl is really something.
I think this year will be interesting!

"Hello bitches!!" I said as i plopped on my seat

Im seating with the popular group ofcourse,
We have Drake, the captain of the football team,
Walden, the captain of the basketball team,
Simon, head of the student council,
Harry, the prom king, mr. Player, and my bestfriend/ childhood friend
And we also have, Macy , head of the cheerleaders, and also my ex,
Anna ,my bestfriend and her girlfriend , Andrea, they're both member of cheerleading team.

And of course, Im Cara delevingne, daughter of the mayor of our town.

Friends with Benefits (cara delevingne and kendall jenner) cake *COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now