Chapter 2 - Skylar

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Chapter 2 - Skylar

"I was in the shower when I smelt Robert. He tried to mask the filth that covers his flesh with fresh pine. It didn't work the way he hoped. He'd already broken through the bathroom door when I linked with you all. He didn't touch me, just burned me with his eyes. He chaffed me when I told him to leave, that my brothers were on their way to kick his ass since I couldn't while naked. Said you four couldn't hurt while if you wished to bring your mates home. He threatened their lives if I didn't obey him." Digging my nails into Mark's hand, he takes the pain, allowing my own an exit.

The glee in that bastard's eyes when he looked me up and down while licking his lips had my skin crawling. The urge to claw at it has Nathan crawling in the back to take my free hand. This is what my brothers do. They protect, take my pain, and comfort me when I need them the most.

Inhaling sharply, I wrap my brothers' warmth and love around my heart, forming a solid protection block. "He warned me once I'm outside pack lands, there's nothing stopping him from taking what he believes is his. He says everyone will believe we are mates after he claims me. That no one will dare intervene during a mating ceremony." Bile rises up, threatening to spill.

John is quick in pressing a bag to my mouth, forcing me to breathe deeply, reducing my panic.

"Like hell he will, Skylar!" Emma snarls. I imagine fur is covering her hands as her parents tell her to calm down. They know why she's reacting. They just don't want her to shift in their car. It wouldn't be such a great thing.

"If he dares, and we all know he will, I'll go to the king myself, Sky. This has gone on long enough. It's ridiculous this is the first year we've been allowed to attend the royal gathering. If it weren't for the alpha and his idiot heir, your brothers would have found their males years ago. You could have located yours at a young age, preventing all the trauma you've gone through," Father growls, hitting the steering wheel. Mother grips his thigh, soothing him. Though her anger at the fucked-up situation we are all in because of a jealous and perverted male is palpable. If Mother wouldn't get in trouble, she'd end Robert's life with her bare hands the next time she sees him.

"Too bad all the princesses are mated. Can you imagine what we could get done if one of us was mated to a royal? The reform we could accomplish," John shifts the conversation. "Exchange all the alphas for ones that actually give a shit about their people, like Emma's aunt's mate. The world would be a better place if more alphas were like him."

John isn't wrong. Out of the five surrounding packs, Emma's aunt's is the only one we can trust. The others are in league with Alpha Finlay and his fucked-up ways of ruling.

It's an unspoken rule within the packs that if a female hasn't found her soulmate by the age of twenty-one, she's up for grabs whether she agrees or not. I just turned twenty-one.

Robert made sure I knew this morning I'd be coming back as his mate and the future Luna of his pack. I wouldn't have any power, as only the alpha can rule, but I'd be off-limit to everyone else.

"Too bad the last prince is mated. Can you imagine the shit storm a prince would enact? He'd slaughter Robert, his parents, and any wolf who dared to harm Skylar," Emma cackles. "It would be glorious! We would all watch on as your prince bathed in their blood." The whimsical sigh has me rolling my eyes at Emma's randomness.

"Don't make me barf." There's no way I'd ever mate with a prince. Luckily, they are all mated. "If I thought I was on a short leash under Robert's thumb, it would tighten under a prince's. No, thank you!"

"Daughter of mine, you have no idea the sway a female has over her true mate. The only thing I can't get your father to budge on is the safety of you five and myself. He won't hear it, and rightfully so, after everything that's occurred since you came of age. You have one stalker, Skylar. Imagine if you were a princess or future queen. They must have crazies after them all the time. Your prince would have protection details on you for a reason, not just to piss you off." Mother is right. She typically is when it comes to mates since she has one.

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing I won't have one as a mate."

Minutes tick by as my brothers continue to hold my hands. I think the wave of despair has settled down. Tapping Nathan's hand, he gets the hint and crawls back into the middle row, but not before kissing my forehead.

"Do you think our mate's alpha will allow all our families to join his pack?" Nicole asks, breaking the silence.

Another hour has passed by. I've never been to the royal castle, but the last sight I saw stated we were two hours ago. That was an hour ago.

"Just hope one of our mates is part of the alpha family," Nathan states, his tone serious and strained. He knows what will happen if no one takes us in.

Becoming nomads isn't something we are accustomed to. However, with our training, I don't think it will be hard to adapt to the lifestyle.

Emma, Nicole, and I are on the border patrol team. We run for hours. Our bodies can handle the strain now that we've been doing it for years.

My family isn't high-ranking, and I'm perfectly satisfied with that. Who wants the responsibility of five hundred wolves? I sure as hell don't. On the other hand, the perks have got to be nice. Expensive cars, a mansion to live in, butlers at your beck and call, maids to clean your room and cook you food.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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