A Sister's Arrival

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The year 96 AC unfolded like a parchment touched by the quill of time, each day marked by its own significance. Within the halls of the Red Keep, whispers of a new life took root, whispered by the breeze and carried on the lips of the courtiers. Aemma, radiant as ever, approached me with a glow of anticipation in her eyes, her hand resting gently on my shoulder.

"Rhaegar," she began, her voice a melody of excitement and affection, "a new chapter is about to begin my sweet. You are going to have a new sibling."

A genuine smile curved my lips, surprise and happiness mingling in my expression. "Is it true, Mother?" I inquired, my eyes shimmering with delight.

Her laughter danced like a familiar tune, resonating in the air. "Yes, dear. Another prince or princess will soon grace our family."

It was a moment of shared happiness, a thread that wove us closer. I exchanged a joyful glance with her before excusing myself and stepping into the gardens, where the gentle embrace of nature's beauty greeted me. My dragon companion, Ameryls, sat nearby, a loyal sentinel to my thoughts and emotions.

In the tranquility of the garden, a familiar voice disrupted my contemplation. Queen Alysanne approached with the grace that was expected of a queen, her silver hair shimmering like moonlight. Her eyes, a reflection of wisdom and understanding, met mine in a silent exchange.

"Why the somber countenance, young dragon rider?" she inquired, her voice a soothing breeze "Is the arrival of a sibling, not good news?"

I met her gaze, my expression a mixture of contemplation and uncertainty. "Your Grace, it is good news indeed. But I find myself grappling with a sense of unease."

Her lips curved into an amused smile. "Unease? But your family is expanding, it is a cause for celebration."

I exhaled softly, struggling to put my thoughts into words. "I'm not uneasy about the arrival of a sibling, Your Grace. It's just... I'm scared."

Her raised brow betrayed her curiosity. "Scared? Enlighten me, dear Rhaegar. What weighs upon your heart?"

The words were slow to form, yet I managed to voice my concern. "I fear that history might repeat itself, that this child might not survive, and that my mother..." I trailed off, my voice heavy with unspoken worry.

Alysanne's gaze softened, empathy gleaming in her eyes as she placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Ah, Rhaegar. The pain of loss runs deep, especially when it concerns a mother. But a mother's love is a force unlike any other, transcending even the fear of death."

I looked at her, grappling with the weight of my concerns. "It is all anyone's been talking about, reassuring me about a mother's love but, Grandmother, is it not a selfish act for a mother to risk her life for a child? What happens to those left behind? Do mothers not care how they might be choosing one child over another when they choose to die for one, but stop living for another?"

Alysanne's chuckle was tinged with a hint of melancholy, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "You are still young, dear one. You will understand one day. A parent's love knows no bounds, and they would give their lives without hesitation for their children." she said, as she wiped the tears that finally fell from her eyes.
"A parent's love is boundless, and we'd give our lives a dozen times over for our children"

My skepticism lingered, but there was wisdom in Alysanne's words, a wisdom that eluded my grasp. She had borne thirteen children, only four of whom still walk the earth, and she understood the depths of a mother's love better than most after her countless loss and pain.

As the sands of time slipped through our fingers, anticipation and trepidation filled the air. Aemma's health grew increasingly fragile, a reminder of the battlefield that awaited mothers in the birthing chamber. I found myself lost in thoughts of an uncertain future, my fears echoing in the silent corridors of my mind.

Finally, the day dawned when the realm would welcome a new Targaryen, a harbinger of change and joy. Aemma's cries echoed through the Red Keep's chambers, a symphony of both pain and hope.

I stood outside her chamber door, resolute in my determination, even when the Maesters urged me to step away. They believed me too young to witness the agony of childbirth, yet my resolve remained unshaken.

Hours stretched like eternity as I waited, each passing moment laden with the echoes of Aemma's struggle. And then, like a beacon in the darkness, the cries of a newborn pierced the air, a sound so pure it brought tears to my eyes.

The maids and midwives hastened to open the doors, allowing me entrance into the chamber. With cautious steps, I entered, my heart pounding in my chest. There, in Aemma's arms, lay Rhaenyra, a tiny bundle swathed in blankets, her hair as white as snow and her eyes a brilliant amethyst.

Viserys and I approached the bedside, our awe reflected in our expressions. Aemma's eyes, though weary, were filled with a love that could only be described as boundless. Slowly, with her help, I climbed onto the bed, my hands trembling with anticipation.

The touch of her hand was gentle, and the look she gave me was a testament to the depth of her love. "Meet your sister, Rhaegar," she whispered.

My heart swelled with a mixture of love and protectiveness as I gazed down at the fragile being before me. Her white hair and amethyst eyes held a quiet power, a promise of the legacy she would carry.

Amidst our family's jubilation, Viserys and I watched over Rhaenyra, our faces reflecting the pride and awe that coursed through us. I gazed at the baby in fascination, my heart swelling with love for the sibling I hadn't known I'd wanted. Her white hair and amethyst eyes captivated me, and I vowed silently to protect her with all the strength I possessed. And then, a playful voice intruded upon our moment

Viserys teased me gently, a smile tugging at his lips. "Rhaegar, you once wished for a brother, and now look at you so enamored with your sister."

I defended myself with a grin. "She's different. I can make an exception for her."

Our family congregated around the bed, each member cooing and smiling at the precious bundle in Aemma's arms. Rhaenyra was passed from one set of arms to another, our lineage's newest addition, bound by blood and love until she found herself in the embrace of Queen Alysanne. baby Rhaenyra clutched at King Jaehaerys' finger, a bond forming between them that would last a lifetime.

The door creaked open once again, and Daemon strode into the room, his presence commanding attention. Alysanne's amused voice greeted him. "Always late, dear dragon."

Daemon grinned, seemingly unfazed by her comment." I was busy doing the utmost important duty as always grandmother" he said, as he held a basket in his hands, and with a flourish, he presented it to me revealing a golden dragon egg nestled within. I felt a surge of pride as I pulled it out, the polished surface gleaming in the soft glow of the room.

"I chose it for her," I announced, my voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Prince Baelon offered his approval with a nod "A fine egg for our newest princess."

Turning to Viserys, he inquired, "And what name have you chosen for our littlest dragon?"

Viserys' voice held a note of triumph as he announced "Rhaenyra Targaryen shall be her name."

In that moment, as our family stood united, I marveled at the bonds that held us together. Rhaenyra's arrival marked the continuation of our legacy, and I felt a surge of love for my sister that transcended words.

As the hours melted into memories, I realized that the strength of a family lay in the love they shared, a love that could weather even the harshest of storms. My heart swelled with gratitude for the new chapter that had begun, for the sister I had gained, and for the unbreakable ties that bound us together.

I knew that countless dangers awaited my family in the next few years and it broke my heart to think about the fact that more than half of the people in this room would be dead in the next few years.

Sweet Aunt Gael, my Grandsire Baelon, and even Alysanne and Jaehaerys but I had to stay strong, especially for the people who are fated to live. I may not be able to do anything against old age or a burst belly but in that moment I vowed that all our enemies would rue the day they decided to conspire against House Targaryen. May it be Otto Hightower or the entirety of the Faith, I will protect this family with Fire and Blood.

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