Chapter 28: Without you, my heart doesn't know peace

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"Teddy, are you sure this is a good idea?", you ask unsure, tugging at the sleeves of your — actually Theodore's — green sweater.

He laughs breathily and runs a hand through his brown locks. "If you say my name like that I'm not sure how much flying we'll do." He leans against his broom, smirk adorning his face.

You roll your eyes. "Whatever. If you're going to be stupid about it, I'll just leave."

"Hey, hey. What's with the attitude?" Theo grabs your hand and pulls you towards him. He has a concerned look on his face as his eyes peer into yours.

A sigh leaves your lips. "I'm sorry... I'm not the biggest fan of heights. I've always hated when I had to climb a ladder, and I hated it even more when we had to take flying class." You look away, your cheeks flaming hot in embarrassment.

Theo lays a hand on your cheek, making you look at him. "It's okay. I understand. But know that I would let nothing happen to you. And I won't force you into anything. If you don't want to fly, you don't have to fly."

Why, in Merlin's name, does Theodore have to be so sweet? He makes everything so much harder for you. "Fine", you sigh again, this time louder. "I promised after all. Just... not higher than a few feet, okay?"

Theo beams at you, pecking your lips and hugging you tightly. He lets go of you and straddles his broom. With a stretched-out hand, he waits patiently for you to take it. When you eventually place your hand in his, he pulls you onto the broom and makes you sit at the front. He lays his hands over yours so you're holding onto the broom tightly.

"Ready?", he asks and pushes the both of you off the ground once you nod.

A yelp escapes your lips as you watch the ground underneath your feet disappear. Theo hoovers a minute or so above the ground before he slowly starts to float around the Quidditch stadium, slowly looping around the goalposts and letting the wind ruffle your hair.

After a while, he touches down again and you let yourself drop to the grass on your hands and knees. You can't describe how happy you feel to feel grass again.

"Do you trust me?"

You turn towards Theodore and he looks at you hopeful. You hate to crush his good spirit so you nod. This time, you're the first to take place on the broom. Theo's in front of you.

"Hold on to me tightly. And don't be afraid to squeeze." And with that, he pushes off the ground and the two of you raise metres in the air.

You scream, pressing your face to his back while holding on tightly to his torso. You hear him laugh while he flies around. It doesn't feel as violent as when he flies during Quidditch, but you're shitting seven colours.

"Open your eyes."

"No!", you protest.

"Didn't you say you trusted me? So, open your eyes."

Reluctantly, you eventually open your eyes and gasp. You're flying above Hogwarts, giving you a never-before-seen view of the castle. You didn't realise how massive the castle actually was.

Theo calmly flies around the perimeter of the castle, weaving between the towers and through the many gardens. He lowers the broom to fly over the Black Lake and you even dare to touch the water.

When he finally lands, the both of you are on a rooftop terrace, the same one you brought him the night of the Yule ball. With shaky legs, you drop yourself on a stone bench.

"You okay?", he asks with a smile, laying his broom down and moving to sit next to you.

You nod and hum, dropping your head on Theo's shoulder as you watch the view. "What do you want to be when you grow up?", you ask, the question suddenly flashing through your mind.

Theo fiddles with his thumbs. "I've always understood that I had to take a Ministry job, like my father. But I don't like office jobs. They're boring. And I don't want to be an Auror or anything law enforcement-related. Once all this is over, I want to live a peaceful life."

You're surprised by his profound words, not expecting it. You always thought he would be excited at the prospect of being an Auror or Curse Breaker.

"And you?" He grabs your hands, playing with your fingers nervously.

"I want to leave. Leave England and explore the world. Settle down somewhere unknown and build up a life without the prejudices that my name brings. I know I won't get it anywhere near here. What I do after that... I don't know. I'll figure it out."

The two of you stay in silence for a while, letting each other's words sink in.

After a while, you raise your head from Theo's shoulder and look at him. "Is there- is there a place for me... in your peaceful life?"

Theodore looks at you, his eyes filled with adoration for you. He leans closer, his lips almost touching yours. "My love, without you, my heart doesn't know peace."

You giggle, a happy smile. You press your lips against him, closing your eyes. He hums and lays a hand on the nape of your neck. A small moan escapes your throat as the kiss deepens, both of your lips slotting against each other perfectly.

"Fucking hell, baby", he grumbles against the skin of your neck, placing kisses and sucking on the delicate spot that has you shuddering. He pulls you on his lap, your hand going up and into his hair. You tug on the strands, your body moving involuntarily against Theo's.

"Teddy", you whine as he moans against your neck, leaving his mark. "We can't- we shouldn't. Not in the open."

Theo hates that you're right. Because he knows that if you continue, there will be too much to be seen by a random student or teacher if they happen upon you.

He wraps a hand around your throat, studying the bruises that start to form with a satisfied smirk. His eyes flicker to your face, and how hot your cheeks feel against his hand.

"Am I your first kiss?", he asks with a gleeful grin, licking his lips.

You freeze and look away from him, feeling busted. Even though you've done nothing wrong, you still feel guilty for what happened.

Theo narrows his eyes, pushing your face towards him with a caress of his knuckles. "Oh? Have you kissed someone before?"

"You're not gonna like who, so I'm not going to tell." You lean forward and hide your face in the crook of his neck.

"Now I'm really curious. Do I personally know them?"

You nod, still not lifting your face. You feel him hum, one of his hands rubbing up and down your spine.

"What was his name..? That blond fucker from fourth year?"

"Gjol? Well... he is a great dancer."

Theo pulls your face away from his neck to look into your eyes. "Don't tell me the Swedish fucker beat me to it?" He looks very serious, but you can see a playful twinkle dancing in his eyes. So you shake your head.

"As I said, you're not going to like it. I won't kiss and tell, Teddy." With that, you slide off Theo's lap.

He grabs your hand to keep you close to him. "Was it Potter?", he asks in a joking manner. You still and his eyes grow wide. "It was fucking Potter? When? HOW?"

You quickly let go of his hand and dash away from him, your face as hot as the sun. Theo runs after you, yelling out profanities at the bespectacled boy. "Next time I see him. Oh, I am going to shove those prissy glasses so far up his ass that he farts glass."

He catches you and you laugh, shaking your head. "No, you're not. He was a mistake. And you're not. So don't make me change my mind."

Theo's scowl changes to a smile in an instant, caging you into his arms. "Oh baby, I would do so much more than that for you. But your wish is my command. Now, I want an apology." He purses his lips ridiculously, earning a laugh from you.

Taking his head in both of your hands, you squeeze his cheeks together. You peck his lips and smile brightly. No... he could never be a mistake.

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