already home 🏡

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harry shook his head and replied softly, "went potty."

"aww, my brave boy, you're doing so well, louis said, "such a big boy for telling me, yeah?" he knew how important it was to show the boy how proud he was of him, especially when he knew he was embarrassed.

however, he quickly realised they hadn't brought the necessary changing supplies with them. louis continued talking, "we'll head home now for a change, okay?"

"but what bout the groceries, lou?"

louis smiled warmly and reassured him, "don't worry, we can order them online. it'll be just fine."

they walked to the car, louis helping into his seat before hopping into his own, and pulling out of the carpark. harry sat in his seat clutching his new doll tightly in his lap, gazing at it happily the entire drive home.

as they stepped inside, louis swiftly attended to harry's need for a change, making sure he was clean and comfortable. he understood that leaving him in a wet nappy for too long could lead to an uncomfortable nappy rash, potentially making harry more hesitant to wear them in the future. yet, the moment the change was complete, harry's excitement became palpable.

"can we open dolly now?" he pleaded, his eyes wide with anticipation.

louis couldn't resist harry's enthusiasm. "of course we can baby," he replied with a warm smile, carefully unboxing the doll.

harry squealed with delight as he held his new dolly in his arms, immediately immersing himself in imaginative play on the living room carpet. louis just watched him fondly, so happy to know he made his boy happy, even if all it took was a plastic doll.

while harry played louis settled down with his laptop, ordering their groceries online. he couldn't stop himself from glancing over at harry every so often though, his heart swelling with love.

as louis ordered their groceries online, he added the usual basic items to their cart. however, he also made sure to include some extra things specially, such as animal crackers and juice.

 louis also felt it necessary to include one more item in their order—a pack of high-calorie drinks. thinking ahead in case eating proved to be a larger issue later on as he had a strong feeling it might be seeing as the boy had only eaten a single grilled cheese that day and not complained even once about being hungry, which was certainly unusual.

after placing their grocery order, louis rose from his spot on the couch and approached harry with a warm smile. "are you having fun playing with your new dolly?"

harry's face lit up with excitement as he held the doll close. "uh huh, his name is blue."

louis was slightly puzzled by his name choice since the doll was dressed in pink. "why's that, love?"

harry's eyes sparkled as he explained, "cause it's the color of lou lou's eyes, and they're pretty."

louis couldn't resist a soft chuckle at harry's adorable explanation. "thats so cute, thank you love," he praised. "if you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen, alright?"

harry nodded without looking up from the doll which he was currently dressing. with a loving pat on harry's head, louis headed to the kitchen to start cooking their dinner.

the groceries still had not arrived so after looking at what was in the fridge and pantry louis settled on making chicken carbonara. it was a dish he could prepare in just half an hour, and he had all the right ingredients on hand. he began by boiling the water and gathering the ingredients before he made a start. louis had never been great at cooking but there were a few dishes he had mastered and this was one of them.

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