Separated |25

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I sat on the bed and Tom came over to sit next to me. It was a bit awkward for me, but clearly not for Tom. He was already making himself feel at home, I don't know how he did it. He looks over to me.

"Kristina, what was all the yelling about? Are you guys okay?" Tom inquires, looking a bit worried, "It seems like something between you two got a little heated..."

I look towards him, scared of telling him the truth, "Well...I...Um..." I stutter, "Nothing it's just... Daria in general."

"What about her?" He asks looking confused.

I started sweating slightly... I didn't want to tell him that I loved her... Because I also love him! He continues sitting there waiting for my response, but I seriously didn't know what to say; I didn't want to ruin our relationship that was going smoothly.

"Kristina?~ Day-dreaming? Again?" Tom laughs, putting his hands behind his head and leaning against the headboard of the bed, "Heeelllooooo?~"

Oh my god... This was so embarrassing and awkward. I didn't know what to say at all. But I had to say something...

"Um..." I tried thinking of something else that was a reasonable reason for an argument when I finally remembered, "...Oh I smoked again, you know. I told her I quit but then had another hit... What's even worse is that it was her pack... So... Yeah." I was relieved, hoping that this conversation would be changed with a different subject.

"Oh damn... That must've sucked. Bill's like that with me too. But I can't help it y'know." Tom sighs, "...I just get so stressed about the tours and shows... Smoking the stress away helps me."

"Yes, same for me... Except I'm not in a popular band. I have no musical talents... Hell, I don't even have any talents." I mumbled.

"Don't say that Kristina, I'm sure you're suited for something." He says, shooting me a smile, "...Like modelling?~"

I felt myself go red, "...Stop teasing!... I wouldn't feel any comfortable doing that anyway."

He laughs, "You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to fulfil your dreams you know, it won't just magically come to you." He looks at me again, "But in all seriousness, just do what makes you feel... Happy, complete..."

"I seriously don't know, I mean. If rotting away in my room was a job, I'd be rich." I giggled, "I haven't ever thought of my aspirations..."

"Well, what do you enjoy?" Tom smiles.

"I like music... And drawing... And sleeping I guess." I mumble, embarrassed.

"Thats cool, surely you must be good at something." Tom replies, "...Do you skate?"

"No... I rarely left my house."

"Want me to teach you?" He said smiling.

My face became flushed with blush... "...I don't know..." I look at Tom to see him staring at me with 'puppy eyes' so I decided to give in... "Fine... But what if I fall?"

"No ones perfect at something first try." He smiled at me as he lifted himself off the bed, walking towards the door, "C'mon!"

I got off the bed and put my shoes on and followed on. I was kind of scared but kind of thrilled at the same time... I never used anything like skateboards, scooters or bikes before because my parents just didn't have the time and money. We walked out of the room and I waited outside as Tom quickly went to the bands room. When he came out he had two skateboards and handed one over to me. The skateboard had an overly complex design on the back; it looked like the board was a fortune to afford...

Suffering, Silenced ~[A Tokio Hotel Story]~Where stories live. Discover now