life update ig

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so first of all, i got a cold :(

so im v ery very tired and im not bothered to do anything tbh

anddd i just got my hair done so it's hurting like crazy

if you dk im actually yoruba/ somalian

ye so i just got my hair Braided so it is a PAINN


i just wanted to say

thank you all for the support, especially nctzenerity , literally tysm for making me feel so much better

i had this goofy cough in the morning so my throat hurts

but i took medication so im ok 👍

i can't blow my nose bc i blowed it too much and now my nose is red

and i had two nosebleeds in the day lol

i hope i get better imao

and if i don't ill jst text my gc the whole day imao

and my gc is so dry isss

is = i swear

imao and my tummy is like a washing machine lmfao

anywaysysyd tysm for even reading this i hope you relate to this lol

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