Sick on Tour - Harry - P1 (Long-fic)

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"Harry are you up? We've gotta leave in fifteen minutes." Zayn yelled through the door connecting to Harry and Louis's hotel room.

Harry's eyes opened and he wiped his face on his sleeve. He was disoriented and hot, very hot. He looked around the room until his sight cleared up and he could tell where he was.

He was in him and Louis's bed at the hotel the boys were staying in.

"Harry seriously are you up?" Zayn walked into the room this time, he sounded fed up.

Once Zayn saw poor Harry sitting up in his bed with messy hair, glassed over eyes, and a pale face he knew Harry was in for a rough day.

"Harry are you feeling alright, mate?" Zayn asked.

Harry looked at Zayn.

"What?" He croaked.

He was hardly recognizable with the fuzzy tone and nasally sound in his voice.

"I said are you feeling ok?" Zayn repeated, walking over to Harry for further examination.

"I don't know.." Harry tired to say but his voice kept cutting out and he grabbed his pained throat.

"It's ok, Haz, you don't have to talk. I'll go get Lou and Liam, ok?" Zayn said to Harry.

Harry just peered off into the distance. Zayn processed to speed walk out of the room but paused at the door when he heard Harry moving around behind him.

"Stay there, Harry. I'll be right back." He said to Harry who then got back in bed as ordered.

Harry nestled deep into the blankets in search of even a little warmth. He couldn't find any though.

He didn't know how much time passed but soon Harry heard footsteps entering the room. He peaked his head up from the blankets to see what was going on. He really hadn't registered anything Zayn said earlier besides to stay in bed.

"Hazzy, are you feelin okay?" Louis asked with very noticeable worry.

Harry's dull eyes looked at Louis as he shook his head, no. Then he turned his head and stuffed it back into the pillow. He really only wanted to sleep and cuddle with Louis right now.

"What should we do? He really can't get out of the concert tonight or the interviews." Louis whispered to Zayn and Liam.

Liam crossed his arms.

"I don't know maybe it's not that bad. Let's check his temperature." Liam said walking out to grab the thermometer from the first aid kit in his bag.

Liam always kept a first aid kit just in case one of the boys got sick or did something stupid. It was also one of his 'duties' as Daddy Direction, to make sure the boys don't get into trouble and are always prepared. Let's just say if it weren't for Liam, Niall would have left his phone at every hotel they stay in.

Meanwhile Louis had sat next to Harry and rubbed the curls from his boyfriends pale face. He felt  Harry's forehead with his hand and frowned at Zayn.

"I've got it." Liam said as he re entered the room.

"Shhh, I think he's got a headache." Louis said, always looking out for his baby.

Liam just tossed the device to Louis and waited for the numbers. Louis careful gave a half asleep Harry the thermometer and he put in under his tongue. Once Louis heard the beep he took it from Harry and read the temperature out loud.

"39.2, it says." (102.6)

"I guess he really is unwell Liam." Louis called out.

He didn't like Liam accusing Harry was faking. Harry was always sick so this is no surprise. On the other hand he seemed a little worse than usual because he normally got a cold every two months or so.

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