Chapter 13 - I Buck Up Against My Counter

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"Why am I always the one who starts the conversation?" Procrastinated Saar.

Once again, we were sitting in a meeting spot. This time though, it was a tiny cover with births and we were all squished together.

Apparently I had worked myself almost to a coma in Nifleheim. From healing, runes, fighting, and other magical moments and massive injuries, I wasn't taking care of myself. That's what Hearth said, but I feel fine now.

Alex decided to skip out on today's meeting. I'm man enough to admit I felt a little fallen at that news, but also knew Alex did what he felt like doing.

"Because you know how." I answered simply to the gunslinger's question.

"And you don't moron." Saar bit back. She had been a tad more crankier after landing on the fishing boat.

"Knock it off you two!" Mallory ordered. "Now, what do we got so far?"

"We got Hearth back!" Blitz added optimistically, his head rested on the elf's shoulder as the two sat on a bunk.

"Yes indeed," Halfborn encouraged, not wanted to shatter his head over heels mood. "But prophecy wise."

"North summons and nice again, check. Made it in and out of Nifleheim alive a second time." TJ began. The flint over his eye had been chipped in half in the battle there. Now it was just a stub.

"And with a new teammate," I put in "to assist a troubled friend to gain."

The others didn't look too pleased. "They tried to kill us," Blitzen reminded me.

"And are a descendent of Skofnung," said Mallory.

"And smashed my guns," Saar said.

"And resisted Alex's garrote wire." Said TJ.

"And is taller than me." Halfborn grumbled, looking up at the other Berserker next to him.

"You don't know them," I defended "I trust them." The others still didn't look happy, but conceded anyway.

"Summer and winter's discord in vain," Blitz recited "You and Saar again."

Saar punched the metal beam next to her, leaving a baseball sized dent in it. "What is it with this world still experimenting with Magnus and I? This is sick!" She demanded.

"I'm not happy about it either," I growled back "but I'm putting up with it. I'm not whining about it like you."

"Oh please!" Suddenly, it was just us, we were about five feet apart, but it felt significantly more. Light and dark, shadow and sunlight, summer and winter. "We wouldn't even be in this mess if you hadn't of kept your act together."

"How is this my fault?" I argued. My friends had fallen silent, pressing back to avoid being tangled in our mess.  "Things only started going south when you showed up."

"Oh course it's me!" she exasperated "Winter, Shadow, Darkness. The origin of every horror in the world huh? Every mistake. You're not the golden boy either you know!"

My fists were tight and hot. It felt like steam was curling off me, but Saar kept going.

"You wanted to go on this insane quest for your Valkyrie. 'Figure it out as we go' my arse! You provoked that six headed psycho into a fight that wouldn't of even happened if you would've kept watch properly instead of slacking."

"You try staying up night after night worrying about the people you love!" I shouted.

"I have!" Was it just me, or were the shadows dancing? "I have known that! But I know damn well I could cope with it better than you."

That's when something caved in inside me. Over the past month and a half, my sanity and tolerance was a burning cinder. But after Saar's words, it all caved. Screw the peaceful persona, the healer lifestyle, everything. Saar pushed it.

I charged forward, wrapping my fingers around her neck and brought her to the ground. I thudded the back of her head against the old wooden floor over and over, not caring if I killed her.

But she knew how to fight, curling herself inward and kicking me in the chest. I went flying for a moment, but then was snagged and tossed across the room. My impact sent splinters soaring around me in a poof.

I leaped back to my feet and kicked a bunk over at Saar. It slid across and slammed into her, pinning her to the wall.

"ARH!! " she grunted " ICH BRING DICH UM!!!"

At this point, all my friends had rushed out of the room to avoid being trampled. Saar literally ripped the bed posts to shreds, then launched at me and whacked me in the head with park of the post. But not before I socked her in the jaw. I then kicked her healing leg that was broken in Nifleheim.

She stumbled and screamed loudly in pain, but then recovered. She gripped my shoulders and dragging us outside, bursting open the door.

My hands at her throat and hers around mine, I shoved her against the rusted railing. To my right, everyone, including Alex, watched frightened at our deadly spar.

Even with the second of a distraction, Saar broke out of my shake on her and upper cut me. The blow caused me to fall backwards onto the deck. Saar proceeded to get on my level and punch me in the face repeatedly. She wasn't allowing me a second to gather my mind and fight.

But I didn't need it. Instinctually, I kicked her in the face, making her stagger off me. My sight fell on a piece of broken metal, and since I had no other weapon, I grabbed it and held it in front of me. Saar thrusted her hands out, the shadows around her aggressively formed behind her like a beast.

Thankfully, Cyrus decided to step in.

I suddenly felt a chest rattling gust blast me backwards by a few yards. Same with Saar. We slid along the deck on our back until coming to a stop.

"Enough of this!" Their fierce voice made us stop in our tracks. "You keep this up, you are going to kill each other! Back. Off. Now."

With Cyrus between us, their arms stretched out to distance us, I knew they were right. But all I could do was meet Saar's eyes. Their darkness pinned on me as their next kill.

Our feud will never end. And gods know that this was only the fist sign of the chaos we would bring.

I had to put a fight with Magnus and Saar.


I've had quite the eventful week, from being dropped the bomb that I was scheduled for a VARSITY Match when I'm only a freshman, only to botch it. It was fun though, just don't ask for details about the score. Everyone was amazing and super friendly.

I might not be able to go to my first homecoming, and if I do it will be for a birthday present.

I had a huge meet up with my friends, and caught my first wave when I went surfing.

Why am I rambling?

Sorry for grammar and pronoun errors

Hydro fury

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