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Chaewon, the omega's grandmother, is the first one to pull away, just a little to take a good look at her grandson. Taehyung breathes with a little difficulty, having clogged his nose while crying. With tears in her own tears, she manages to chuckle and gently wipes his tears off his face.

"You grew up so much yet you didn't change at all," Chaewon says fondly as she caresses his hair lovingly, and Taehyung thinks to himself that he missed this. He missed his grandmother and he missed how gentle she was with him. He missed how loved he felt with her by his side. He never got to know what kindness felt like after her, and now meeting her again after all of those painful years, it hits him. It hits him how much he has missed out on. Love. Kindness. Warmth. He missed out on all of it for a while, and he regrets being so powerless and helpless that he couldn't stand up to his family and just tell them to leave him alone with his grandmother because they are happy together. He never had the courage to stand up to his family, and his grandmother, with all the happy memories she brings, also reminds him of how small and weak he was.

"Who is that man?" Chaewon asks, snapping the omega out of his thoughts. He turns to look at where she's pointing at, and sees how the alpha that he temporarily forgot was still standing there shifts awkwardly on his feet when he realises that the attention is now on him.

A blush creeps up the omega's neck and up to his cheeks as a gentle smile rises on his lips, "that's Jungkook. My husband."

The omega pulls away to go over to the alpha with his hands now behind his back awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Taehyung doesn't notice how his grandmother grows silent as the omega drags the alpha over. Jungkook's wide eyes find the old woman, and with a clear of his throat, he bows politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jungkook uses extremely formal language, avoiding calling her by any names because he is unsure if she likes him or not, or if she even heard of him at all. Chaewon's eyes trail over his frame painfully slow as she thoroughly studies him, and he stands under her gaze frozen.

"I have heard about him from your mother, but I never saw him." Chaewon replies coldly, almost dismissively. "I never gave my blessings to this wedding. They forced you, didn't they?"

Taehyung purses his lips, his hands tightening around the alpha's bicep in reassurance, but doesn't give a reply. He doesn't know what to say. He was forced. It's true. But he doesn't want her to hate Jungkook because their relationship is nothing like what they started with. He wants her to like him, and even love him. It would be a shame that the two people he loves the most don't get along.

"It-" The alpha starts, not wanting to put the omega in a further awkward situation, but Taehyung immediately cuts him off.

"Halemoni, aren't you going to invite us in? We came all the way over from Seoul, you know?" Taehyung says innocently with a tone that the alpha has never heard before which has Jungkook to turn and look at him with a raise of his eyebrow.

Chaewon gives another disapproving look before giving them her back and stepping into her house, leaving the door in so they could invite themselves in. Taehyung lets out a breath before he feels the alpha snicker from beside him, "you are a real spoiled princess, aren't you?"

"Shut up."


Jungkook feels like the omega's grandmother doesn't like him very much. He sits awkwardly on the couch that is opposite to the chair that she is seated on, a cold look on her face as she looks ahead instead of right back at him. The alpha has no idea where Taehyung went. He said something about wanting to freshen up real quick, but it has now been ten minutes and the omega is not back yet. He doesn't know why he is dreading the omega's absence that much, but every time his eyes find the old woman sitting in front of him, he gets an idea why. Chaewon is making him nervous, and he doesn't know what to do about it. Jungkook was never the one to please, he did whatever he wanted. Pleasing other people was never something that he thought about, but seeing how Taehyung's grandmother seems to not like him, he cannot help but slightly curl in upon himself. He has this strange urge to pursue her, and make her like him, but he doesn't know how.

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