Chapter 36 - Ahhh!

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"We're home. Finally!" I say as the plane touches down the runway. As I stretch the stiffness out of my body due to the long flight, I turn to Rosie. "Hey, you heading straight home?"

"Not yet." I raise my eyebrows at her urging her to continue. "Hyeri unnie invited me to dinner so I'm heading straight there."

"That's nice. I wish there was dinner waiting for me when I get home but my mom is in Thailand right now so there is zero chance that'll happen." I say sadly. Mom often books a flight to Korea when I'm also flying back from my overseas schedule. So when she could, she always cooked my favorite foods when I came home.

"Do you want to come with me? I know unnie wouldn't mind if I brought you along." She asks.

I shake my head at her. "That's nice of you to ask but I'm still kind of tired and I just want to lie on my bed and not move for the rest of the day." I laugh. "Thank you though." I smile and reach out for her hand to give it a squeeze.

"You're welcome." She squeezes back. "And remember your promise, we have to do a sleepover soon."

"Of course! I'll prepare everything so you just need to come to my place."

"Assa!" She lets go of my hand to raise it in the air. "Beef! I want beef." She says excitingly. Jumping up and down in her chair.

"Okay okay. Just calm down." I say laughing at her.


"Thank you oppa." I say to Wonjae oppa as he puts down my things in the entrance hallway.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?" He says as closes the door.

"Does he have a date? He didn't even wait for my answer." I say talking to myself. I chuckle at him and myself.

Finally, I'm home. It's a little quiet right now because my cats and Love are still at the sitter's place. I'm going to come and get them tomorrow. I miss them so much.

There's another thing that I'm missing or rather 'someone'. She still hasn't replied to my text when I landed. The last text she sent was this morning when she woke up.

From: Mandu unnie 💙

-Good morning to me! Since I don't know what time it is wherever you are right now. 😉
I'm heading to my pilates session right now and then I have to go grocery shopping since there's no food in the house and mom is out on a business trip. I miss you...

As I walk down the hallway heading to the living room, I check my phone again. Still nothing. I sigh, a little sad. She did say she'll come over when I get back. And this was enough to cheer me up again.

The thought of her coming over later occupied my mind that I didn't notice that someone is in my house until I stepped inside my kitchen.

I come to a full stop when I see her. Jennie unnie is in my kitchen, cooking. She has her back to me so she hasn't noticed me yet. So this is why she hasn't texted me back.

"Salt. I need some salt." I hear her say. When she turns around to look for it, her eyes landed on me. "Ahhh!" She screams.

Her scream startled me so I scream back. "Ahhh!" Putting a hand on my chest.

"You scared me!" She also puts a hand on her chest and the other on the counter for support. "What the hell Lisa."

"What?" I laugh. "You're the intruder, I'm the one who should be angry right now."

Calming down she says. "I know, the last part just came out of my mouth before I could stop it." She smiles goofily.

I smile back. "What's that?" I point to the boiling pot on the stove.

She got shy all of the sudden at my question. She avoids eye contact as she answers. "You know I'm not much of a chef and I wanted you to have a warm meal when you came home so I made you the two things I know I won't mess up." She turns off the stove and reached for the pot holder. She then carries the pot to my island countertop and places it beside a covered plate and two bowls of rice. "Kimchi stew and an egg omelette." She says as she removes the lid of the pot and the plate together.

This woman...

My heart can't handle this touching moment that I just have to let it out and before I know it, my tears starts falling down. I quickly turn my to the side to try and hide it but it's too late.

She's in front of me in a blink. "What's wrong?" She asks worriedly.

"Nothing." I wipe my tears and face her. "Absolutely nothing." I smile and pull her to me. Wrapping my arms around her, I say. "I told Rosie earlier that I wished I had dinner waiting for me when I get home so thank you for this." I hug her tighter.

"You're very welcome. Come on let's eat." She breaks the hug to pull me with her. "Oh, before I forget." She reaches for the salt and sprinkles a little bit of it on the stew.

Now settled on our seats we both say. "잘 먹겠습니다" (jal meoggessseubnida: I will eat well)


After we ate I told unnie that I'll do the dishes.

"You had a long flight Lisa-ya, go and rest on the couch." She argues.

"I WAS tired." Putting an emphasis on the word 'was'. "It all went out the window the second I saw you in my kitchen and you even fed me, now I have my energy back."

She raises her hands to show me her curled fingers. "Fine, I yield this time just because I don't want to hear more of that cringey statements." We burst out laughing.

"Yeah. But it worked. So go put that ass down on my couch and relax." I turn her around by her shoulders and pat her bottom lightly. "Go on." I order, giving her a light shove.

"Yes ma'am." She finally walks out of the kitchen but before she goes out of my sight, she looks over her shoulder. She blows me a kiss and winked.

I laugh at her silliness.

Almost done cleaning the kitchen I shout to unnie. "Do you want something to drink unnie? I have coffee, lemonade, wine, beer and soju."

"I have work tomorrow, I'll take the lemonade." She shouts back.

"Coming right up!" I say as I prepare her drink and a beer for me.

I take a final scan on the kitchen making sure I didn't miss a spot. I grab our drinks and join unnie in the living room.

"Here's your drink my lady." Copying what I saw on tv.

She smiles shaking her head at me. I flop down beside her. Then at the same time we both turn our body and put one leg on the couch so we could face each other. We both laugh at us being in sync.

We don't talk right away, we just take our time sipping our drinks in silence. Just taking this all in. How happy and satisfied I am in this moment just having her in my house with me.

But her phone ringing pops the bubble we were in. We both turn our heads to the sound. Someone is calling her. She quickly grabs it and flips the phone to reject the call...

Or to hide the caller from me.

But it was too late, I read the caller ID. It was her ex, Taehyung oppa.

Note: In celebration of our girls officially finishing their year long BORN PINK WORLD TOUR here's an update for my readers.

Who watched the finale concert? How are you guys feeling? Because when I saw Jennie trying her best not to cry, I cried for her instead. 😭😂

We're almost at a 100k reads. Thank you! 🖤💗

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