Meeting Family

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Naruto woke up in his mindscape.

"Hi again." Naruto

"Brat." Nine-Tails

"I wonder what I should do to you. Should I destroy your soul like I did with the others." Naruto smiles

"You monster" Nine-Tails

Naruto smiles at his remark.

"Before that would you 2 come out." Naruto

After Naruto said that two people came out. The two were none other than Minato and Kushina his parents. Kushina immediately ran towards and hugged him.

"Naruto my dear boy. I am glad you still alive." Kushina

Naruto felt happy as he received his mother's warm embrace. He hugged her back.

"Those bastards how dare they hurt my baby." Kushina said with anger

"It's alright mom. I am okay. Well if I remembered to late. They would've burned me alive." Naruto

"I am just glad you are safe." Kushina

Minato cleared his throat.

Naruto and Kushina looked at him. Naruto glared at him.

"You bastard this all your fault. I almost died back there." Naruto

"I am sorry Naruto.I believed that the villagers would see you as a hero. I was naive to put my faith in them." Minato

Minato walked towards Naruto. Naruto wanted to punch but he controlled his anger. Minato hugged him.

"You don't have to forgive me just know that no matter what I will always love you my son." Minato smiled

"Tcch bastard." Naruto muttered

Minato just smiles.

"Naruto you should know about the events that led to me sealing the Nine-Tails inside you." Minato

"Oh I can't wait to hear this." Naruto

After Naruto heard the story he smiled sinisterly.

"I can't wait to meet this masked bastard. I wonder how I will torture him." Naruto said before laughing madly.

Minato and Kushina started to fade away.

"What is happening." Naruto

"We have run out of chakra. It's look like this is goodbye." Kushina

"Wait you can't leave yet." Naruto

"I am sorry Naruto but it is time to go." Minato

Naruto cried. His parents both hugged him.

"Naruto..Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong..Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm..
Also.. Don't stay up late.. You need lots of sleep..And make friends.. You don't need a lot of friends..
Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust..I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard..Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses..So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well..
Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy.. Well if they don't respect you don't have to.

Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi..
Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money..
Put your mission wages into your savings account..
No alcohol until you're twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation..
Another Prohibition is women..
I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but..
All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women..
So it's only natural to take an interest in girls..
But just don't get hooked on bad women.. Find someone just like me..
Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know.. Give him a good beating when you see him.

Naruto, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship..
Be true to yourself.. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true..
There's so much.. Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer..
I love you" Kushina cried

"Naruto my words to you. I guess your mom said it all. I know have you hurt you and again I am sorry for that. I love you son." Minato

"Goodbye mom dad" Naruto

When the Nine-Tails saw this he remembered the death of his father.

"Father." Nine-Tails thought

They faded away.

Naruto was in a bad mood now. He was thinking of ways to punish the Nine-Tails that was until.

"I am sorry for your loss kid." The Nine-Tails

"Wait what." Naruto said surprised

"I also know how it is to lose a parent." The Nine-Tails

''Ughh damn. I guess you aren't as bad as I thought." Naruto

"Kid I didn't ask for any of this. I just wanted a peaceful life away from humans." Nine-Tails

The Nine-Tails tells it's life story.

"So this is all the fault of a dead guy named Madara Uchiha. If he hadn't enslaved you. You wouldn't have been sealed inside Mito and then into mom." Naruto

"Yes. Well if it wasn't for him you might have never been born." Nine-Tails

''Why do you say that." Naruto

"Your mother isn't from this village. The Uzumaki's had their own village. Mito brought your mother to the leaf in order to make her a jinchuriki." Nine-Tails

"So what's your name. I am certain your father didn't name you Nine-Tails. That would be unoriginal." Naruto

"It's Kurama brat. Well sorry about earlier for not helping you." Kurama

"Well it's okay. So are we cool." Naruto

"Yes we are cool." Kurama

''Well just remember next time you cheer someone on to kill me. I will destroy your soul." Naruto

"I got it monster brat.'' Kurama

"That's just rude. I have a name Kurama.'' Naruto

"Naruto." Kurama

They chatted for awhile before Naruto recovered enough cursed energy.

When Naruto woke up in the real world he destroyed the disfigured bodies of his victims.

"Well I should go home now. Oh wait I don't know where I am." Naruto

"You should have a kept at least few of them alive." Kurama

"Well it doesn't matter anyway." Naruto said before he started walking


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