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At breakfast table everyone was sitting and waiting for Manan to come. They came together after a while and sat beside each other. They were sitting silently. That time only Avni spoke.

A: Nandini, don't be shy. Feel free. Now It's your home only. You live here just the way, you used to live in your home. You can do whatever you want to just like your that home.

There is no need of feeling shy. We are your family only. You can be whatever you want to. Right, Maa?

Nyo (nodded her head positively): yes beta, Avni is right. You stay here just the way you used to in your home. Now have breakfast. Start or else it will get cold.

N (passing a small smile to everyone): ji maa.

A (teasing Manik): Oy Manik, why are you sitting silently today? Start eating. You start shouting other days, if you don't get your food on time. What happened to you today?

Girls become shy after marriage and here you are behaving all shy. What's the matter?

Stop looking around and have your breakfast.

After breakfast Neil went to office today except Manik as it's next day of Manan's marriage so Manik didn't go to office. Actually Nyonika and Avni didn't let him go.

At Manan room
Nandini was standing in balcony. Manik also went there and stood beside her. Nandini looked at him and just passed a smile to him but Manik didn't say anything. He kept standing there quiiey. Suddenly Manik said.

M: Can I ask you a question?

N (turning towards Manik): Sure.

M: Do you know you look beautiful when you do makeup?

N: Thanks for the complement but I know that.

M: It's a waste to say you anything. You already know everything. I am a fool to say this to you.

N: Tell something about yourself. Haven't you been in any relationship before? You never fell in love with anyone?

M (maintaining a straight face): No.

N (surprised): Why?

M: At first, I thought I would be in a relationship but then again I thought all the problems of student life starts from here only when they get into a relationship.. It's time to study so I thought let's just concentrate on studies now.

And about being in love or relationship, I thought I will do that after marriage with my wife.

N: Uff... Love doesn't happen thinking so much. It's not about planning. It just happens.

You know where I met Rick? I met Rick at my cousin's wedding. He had clicked my pic without asking. I had become so angry for that. We were quarreling a lot for that but we didn't even get to know, when we fell in love in that way.

M (looking at ni where. He wa just starting at the sky aimlessly): Hmm.

N: Woh can you give me your phone? I want to talk to Rick. Actually after learning about Rick papa had taken my phone away. So...

Manik nodded his head and took out his phone from pocket and gave it to Nandini. Nandini went a little away from Manik and dialed Rick's number. After few rings, he picked up the call.

R: Hello who is it?

N: Hello, Rick it's me Nandini.

R: Nandini? Where are you? I had called all your friends but they couldn't say anything. And whose number ia this? It?'s not your.

N: It's my husband's number. I called you from his phone only.

R: Wait wait wait what do you mean by your husband? Your husband should be me right? Then? What's happening, Nandini?

M: Actually papa has got me married to him forcefully. So, I had no other option left than marrying him.

R: Do one thing just leave the house right now and go to any of your friend's place. And I am trying to come back as soon as possible. But you can't stay there.

N: Don't act like stupid, Rick. If I will go to any of my friend's house, then papa will surely find me. And this guy isn't that bad. He has also said me that he will help us. I have told him everything and he doesn't have any problem.

R: At the beginning, everyone says like this only. But later they talk something else. I can't trust him.

N: Don't worry he is not like that. Ok now I am hanging the call. You call me in this number only. He won't mind.

R: ok bye.

Then they hung up the call and Nandini gave Manik's phone back to him.

M: Are you done talking to Rick?

N: Yes. Thank you.

M: It's ok. By the way, if you want I can buy you a phone? Then you don't need to ask me everytime.

N: No, thanks. When I will need one, I will ask from you. Now there is no need of that.

Then they went to their room.

At night
In Manan's room
Nandini was sitting on bed and reading a magazine. Manik came to their room and sat beside her.

M (hesitating a little): Umm Nandini, I wanted to talk to you about something important.

N (keeping the magazine away): You can tell me. There is no need of asking.

M: Maa and bhabi were telling that we have got married now only and we didn't even go out for once. It's not looking good. Actually, it's weird.

N: So?

M: So, they want me to take you out. Actually they were asking me to go out with you and roam around. If you are okay with it, then will you go out with me tomorrow? Then fir sometimes you don't need to act as my

Nandini thought for a while and said yes to Manik. Then after saying good night they went to sleep. Manik on coach and Nandini on bed.

Precap: outing

That's all for now. Hope it was up to the mark. So, Manan outing is coming. What so you think, how will it be?

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