Chapter Twenty | Accusations

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"Love is Too Young to Know What Conscience Is" By William Shakespeare

The pair was still laughing together as they entered the house.

"You've been out late," Elijah's voice surprises Malia. His eyes drift from the glass of whiskey in his hand up to her.

"Yeah," Malia responds, smile fading as she distances herself from Klaus. "I had a gig. A wedding."

She felt guilty but she didn't quite understand why.

"I've been thinking, Malia," Elijah steps closer to her. "Why were you at the scene of Opal's murder?"

"What?" Malia thought back to the girl lying behind the dumpster, deep carvings etched into her flesh. "I heard someone scream, I went to check it out."

"Really? And the compulsion? Why doesn't it work on you?"

Elijah continues to step closer. Klaus steps between them, blocking his path.

"What is this, Elijah?" Klaus warns.

"She was at the scene of the crime. She resists compulsion, which tells me that it's very possible that she's a witch."

"Is that all you have? She doesn't know anything, Elijah, we've established that."

"Yes, so I thought." Elijah looks to the side. "But then I looked into her past. Her hometown."

Malia narrows her brow in confusion.

"It's clean, of course," Elijah looks back at her. "Nothing there. But there have been a series of similar attacks in all surrounding towns within a 50-mile radius."

"What?" Malia's voice is filled with disbelief.

Klaus turns back to look at her.

"I had nothing to do with that," she looks pleadingly at Klaus's accusatory gaze. "I didn't even know about it! You have to believe me."

"This just got a little more interesting," Klaus says, then grabs her and holds his hand over her mouth and nose. She fights for air, her body convulsing as she struggles to breathe. Both of her hands fly up, but his other arm is wrapped around them and prevents them from going to her mouth. Klaus barely winces when her bracelet burns his skin where it touches. 

"There you go," Klaus says as her vision spots with blackness.

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