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I stare down at the text from Juliana and realize she actually listened to what I said and got a red dress.

It's a nice color though, and should be pretty easy to match.

"Hey, Coach wanted me to tell you to run the zamboni," Alex instructs as he slaps me on the back.

"Why me - is no one else working right now?" I complain.

"Kyler took the day off, he said something about being sick," he answers.

Alex looks over my shoulder at my phone. "What's that?" he questions.

I quickly lower my phone down to my side. "Nothing," I blurt in a calm manner. My phone buzzes on my leg, breaking my cover.

"Come on now, don't be all secretive," Alex exclaims while forcefully leaning over to snatch my phone out of my hands. "Oh yeah," he pauses. "I forgot y'all are going together," he finishes.

"I didn't," I add while rolling my eyes.

"Of course you didn't," he chuckles.

"I didn't mean it like that, you know that," I state with a scoff. "Besides, she has a boyfriend now so you can stop trying to get us together," I mention.

I take my phone back and glance down at the new message.

Juliana: Don't go thinking I got this color just because you said to 🙄

I like her message and glance back up at Alex.

"Since when did she get a boyfriend?" he quickly questions.

"They aren't official yet but Kent asked her on a date," I explain.

"Kent? Like on our team, Kent?" he repeats in a state of shock.

I nod.

"How did Kent get Jules to agree to that?" Alex takes a seat next to me. "I mean no offense to him but I know Jules, her type looks like any other guy that isn't Kent," Alex rambles.

"Yeah I know," I pause. "I mean I did help him ask her out," I mention.

Alex leans back into the seat. "Now things are starting to make more sense," he jokes.

I scoff. "The only reason why I helped was because he was trying to ask her out over a note.. that he forgot to sign his name on," I laugh to myself, remembering it.

Alex turns to me. "You have to be kidding," he says through a cheeky smile.

I shake my head. "I practically wrote the whole thing for him, Juliana even confronted me about it thinking I wrote it to her," I smirk.

Alex grows quiet for a second, cocking an eyebrow. "She thought you wrote it, eh?" he grows questionable.

"Shut up man," I say while getting up, beginning to gather my equipment.

"Now why would she think you wrote her that note, huh?" he says while growing suspicious.

"I don't know?" I state truthfully.

"You don't know or are you not admitting something?" he questions.

I pick up my gloves and place them between my arms. "What are you talking about?" I ask in a confused manner.

"What happened during seven minutes of heaven at the party?" he finally spits out.

My lips grow flat and a glove drops out from my arm. "Nothing," I admit while bending down to grab the glove.

"Nothing?" he repeats.

"We just joked around the whole time," I state.

"Oh sure.. 'joked' around," he mocks. "Just tell me what actually happened and I'll leave it alone," he promises.

"Fine," I pause, letting my gloves fall back onto the ground. "She was jokingly flirting with me so I decided to one up her, as always, and jokingly flirt back," I admit.

His eyebrow cocks again. "What was said.. what was done?" he questions while patting the empty spot next to him.

I walk over and place myself down. I begin to tell him what happened just as I remember it. I tell him every detail and make sure to remind him that everything was a joke.

Alex stays quiet before speaking. "The tension in that closet must have been insane," he pesters.

I scoff. "Shut the fuck up," I joke.

"If Kent knew about this, he'd be jealous," Alex says while he drags out the s in jealous.

"Well Kent doesn't know so he'll be fine," I state.

I hear the door close from behind me as I spot Kent, standing in the doorway.

Just my fucking luck.

"What do I not know?" he quietly asks.

I quickly glance over at Alex who looks just as speechless as I do.

"Nothing," I quickly spit out. I rise up to gather my things again to try and get out of here fast.

"No, tell me. What do I not know?" he repeats. The nervous expression on his face already tells me that if I walk out of here without telling him what we were talking about, he's going to end up asking me one too many questions.

"We were just talking about you and Juliana," I explain.

"What about us?" he questions.

"About y'alls date coming up. She's been talking to us about it," Alex buds in.

"Really?" Kent's face lights up.

"Really," I lie with an approving smile.

"What has she been saying?" he quickly asks.

My eyes turn to meet Alex who looks as if he already knows what he's going to say.

"She's been saying how excited she is," Alex quickly comes up.

"Oh, well that's nice to hear," Kent replies with a small smile.

I glance around the room one last time, picking up my stick. "I have to run over the ice, we'll talk more later," I quickly spit out while pushing past him to go out the doors.

I swear to God this type of shit only happens to me.

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