⁂ Info ⁂

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Disney: Twisted Wonderland (or TWST/twst for short) is a Japanese mobile game created by Aniplex and Walt Disney Japan. While it is an anime game, it is not an otome game.
There is an English version of the game available in Canada, USA, Australia, and Singapore but you can get it anywhere by using a region bypassed. Yes, there is a canon translation of the game, there are many fan translations of the JP version on YouTube, due to the game section not being in English at the time.

The original story plotline does not belong to me, nor do the characters, as they are owned by the creator, Yana Toboso, and its publishers, Aniplex and Disney.
The only things owned by me in this story are the Y/N, the way the Candy Witch acts and just little changes to the plotline, but keep in mind this is just fanfiction.


This story will follow the original plotline of the main story, followed by events that'll be added in depending on if they can fit in before we need to go on to the next book.
(Practically all the events will happen before the book 7 stuff because I don't want to deal with it yet and face the truth.)

The reader is female (needing to disguise as a male), with some physical aspects set, like height, but most are left blank for you to insert yourself into it with.


This story is inspired by two fabulous books and creators whose own twst fanfic has given me the motivation to write fanfics again.

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland X Reader)
Written by: SweetPea-23

THE BADDEST | |  Twisted Wonderland X Reader
Written by: LunariaMV

Both of them are wonderful authors, and their stories are much further ahead than this one will be for quite a while.


If you enjoy this story enough, leave a vote, if we reach a certain number of votes, then I might post a special chapter.


Please note that there's a 95% chance that people I actually know from irl will read this fanfic as I got them into the twst fandom, so if you see any call-outs then that'll explain it since some of them will go insane over certain characters and I have a request from one to make the story "hard" but that won't be happening very often.

Sweet At First Glance | Twisted Wonderland X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang