1. I have a story to tail

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There is a quaint, coastal town called Elba Bay of Mare Island that is located between the waters of Australia and the Northern Pacific islands. To reach the bay town, people would have to travel by a ferry which only took thirty minutes. What I didn't anticipate is that I was experiencing seasickness for the first time. Clutching a ziploc bag in my hands, I face down gagging into the plastic far back at the end of the row of her seat. I didn't have time to think about the proper way to throw up in a public place. Or to throw up quietly. I was literally bleaurgh! Bleagh! as people passed by, staring and whispering. An elderly couple sitting in front of me turned around.

"Sweetie, are you okay?"

I zipped the ziploc bag and hid it from their view, disgusted at how warm the contents in the bag were. Am I okay? No, ma'am I'm dying of embarrassment because I'm puking into a clear ziploc bag where you can see what I literally ate a couple of hours ago! Just thinking about it...bleargh..

I smiled meekly and nodded. At least I didn't barfed on myself. I paused, recollecting myself and taking deep breaths. I wobbly stood up from my seat, taking my belongings with me. I made sure the vomit bag was not in view as I dumped it into the nearest trash can. I spotted the women's restroom and rushed inside the available cubicle. I sighed as I leaned against the sink counter. My head throbbed. I turned on the water, splashing cold water against my face. Water trickled down my elbow. I wiped my face with a spare towel from my luggage then searched for more ginger tablets to cure my nausea. I was down to a couple tablets. As I chewed on a tablet, the ferry honked and the intercom statically announced that we were arriving at the dock in twenty minutes.

I was experiencing the after effects when I finally landed on solid ground. Good Heavens. What was I thinking when Elba Bay had its own local airport? I could have gone on the plane instead of the ferry. Inhaling the salty breeze, I was feeling a bit better. As other passengers walked to greet their families, I awkwardly stood in place, waiting for a familiar person to get me until I realized someone was waving at me.

The man was huge, three times her petite size. He wore a matching Hawaiian shirt and shorts with red hibiscus flowers and green leaves. A straw hat covered his curly head. A pink lei lay around his neck. He grinned widely as he lightly jogged toward me.

I never knew the guy. I was told someone was going to pick me up at my arrival a few days ago. I didn't ask any further questions.

"Ms. Perez?" he asked, as his eyebrows wiggled. One of his teeth on his lower jaw was golden.

I cleared my throat. "Yep, that's me. In the flesh and one piece."

"Well, I'm glad you made it safe and sound. Welcome to Elba Bay! My name's Tuamaiva. Just Tua for short. I will be your escort. How was your trip so far?

"It was torture. I threw up on the ferry," I abruptly described.

The Hawaiian shirt man laughed. There were a couple of people who waved at him and he waved back.

"Oh, I'm very sorry for you. That really sucks. I bet you're tired and hungry after all that."

My eyes widened. "I am! My intestines won't shut up." It was embarrassingly true because my stomach was growling very loudly. Now that I think about it, the ziploc bag contained the dissolved pieces of the two burger meals I ate before boarding the ferry. I bought two because why not?

"Come on, I'll help carry your luggage. Mrs. Xu has been waiting for you. She cooked so much for you, it's a feast for the entire neighborhood."

I tilted my head. "I thought she wasn't supposed to stress her body so much?"

"Ah, Mrs. Xu always never listens." The man clicked his tongue. "Once she cooks, she can never stop. So, hopefully, maybe she'll listen to you."


We made our way through the crowd and into the parking lot. Some people recognized him and greeted.

"I'm very popular here," Tua bragged, giggling.

"Yeah, I noticed. You're not a local celebrity that I should know about, right?

"I don't think I label myself as a celebrity, but I do play ukulele with my band on weekend nights at the Seaside when I'm off duty. We're called the Koko Vibez. All you need is love and coconuts."

I laughed. "All you need is love and coconuts? I like that."

"Thanks. I just thought of it. Now, I'm gonna tell it to my bandmates."

I got in the car as Tua put my luggage in the trunk. There was a cat lingering by a nearby pole sign. My nose twitched.

"Okay, Ms. Perez," Tua started to say after he got himself situated and started the car engine.

"Call me Lila. Ms. Perez sounds too formal," I said, pulling my seatbelt.

"Alright, Alright, Lila. Let's get ready to eat." Tua switched the car to reverse and paused. "Wait, you're not going to throw up in my car, are you?"

"Um." I realized. "I hope not."

"Okay, well if you think you're gonna puke, let me know so I can stop the car. If you don't, I'll—" He gestured a finger across his neck in slow motion. Then he laughed, "I kid! I kid! I'm not a bad guy."

"I was just thinking of watching one of your ukulele shows, but I guess not anymore." I shrugged and crossed my arms.

"Oh, please, I'm very sorry! I was just kidding with you."

I smiled.

"But really, seriously, let me know if you're gonna puke, okay?

"You got it." I showed and thumbs up and grinned.

Brr. Brr. My cell phone vibrated in my tote bag, and I checked to see who it was. I frown at the phone screen. Seriously? I unlocked my phone and completely turned it off. Leaning against the headrest, I hummed in satisfaction as I stared out the open window, watching the seagulls soar in the evening sky.

Everything's going to be okay. I cheerfully chanted to myself, but it turned out later on in my new chapter in life, everything was not okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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