Chapter 18

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  I must have zoned out because the queen snapped her fingers at my face. I could feel my eyes widen in shock as I learned the real identity of the one who I presumed was my enemy. And right then I could've apologized. I could have easily changed the subject like asking her how the weather was or even curtsied like the most elegant lady (Note the sarcasm there).
But I didn't.

"You're totally joking," I chuckled like a fool stepping back. Yep I know I'm embarrassing myself even more.

Surprisingly the queen laughed. Her familiar deep blue eyes which resembled Gavier's had tints of spark in them. She looked so beautiful.

"Believe me sweetheart I'm the real thing," she said and snapped her fingers again.

Men with black suits and ray bands suddenly appeared like James Bond. They kneeled down on one knee in front of her, their heads tilted down like a bent tree from a typhoon.

I gulped a bunch of phleghm down my throat. I guess she's really the real thing and if so what does she want from me?

"My bad," I said and smiled. Better be on the good side. I already have one queen who hates me, no need for more.

She chuckled again. "You've got spunk. No wonder Gavier likes you."

This time I had to blush at what she just said. Gavier l-likes m-me? Impossible.

"We manage to hang out without being at each other's throats," I replied, trying not to think too much about her hilarious comment. It was as if she said the moon turned into a cow. Like I said impossible.

She laughed again. "I know my son, he won't hang out with a girl if he isn't interested."

"Believe me ma'am, it's not what you think. Your son just finds teasing me amusing he makes it as his daily routine."

She smiled then stepped towards me. Her eyes began to water and I sensed sadness in her whole being as if she remembered something too sad to even think about.

"You remind him of his sister," She told me and wiped a tear that was at the edge of her eye. "Listen, I have to go. Please don't tell anyone about this, especially my son" She said as she stepped back from me and turned, her veil swiftly flew against the wind. Loud sounds from an airplane was adjacent; the contestants must have arrived.

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. Why couldn't Gavier know?

She turned her head slightly. "Beacause he hates me." And with that she left, disappearing from a corner with her bodyguards while I stood speechless, countless questions playing in my head.

As usual though I was cut short by someone interrupting me. A pair of hands closed my eyes from behind.

"You naughty girl, getting out of bed as soon as I left the room."

"Gavier," I gasped, surprised. Usually I would've said something snarky in return but the guy just missed his own mother from whom I just learned he detests.

"What? You missed me? I didn't know you were that clingy Clarissa."

I gritted my teeth. He really likes annoying the hell out of me. "Who would miss you?" I grabbed hold of his hands which were closing my eyes but he refused to budge.

"The whole world."

Omg, how conceited. "Oh you mean forget you that's right."

Somehow I could feel him smirk. "And you'll miss me the most, admit it."

"Maybe miss the urge to punch you in the face."

"Even that counts as something," he countered proving a point. Yeah, I'd probably miss him, but as if I would tell him that.

He was a lot nearer than earlier. The jerk managed to put his body against mine, my back practically leaning against his which I tell you wasn't good for the raging nervous cells in me. He knew that and I knew that he knew that I knew about it and he was taking advantage of it.

"Admit that you'll miss me," he whispered in my ear soaring tingles all throughout my body. Is this how being a jelly fish feels like?

"No." Instead of rigidly saying it my voice betrayed me and it came out more of a sigh.

"Admit it Clarissa," he breathed against my neck.

"No." The strength on my hands weakened a little. With my eyes closed my other senses are heightened, really not helping at the moment.

"Admit it," he said once more, brushing his lips against my neck and I gave out another sigh.

"Admit that you like me."

My body stoned at those words. Reality finally hit me in the face and my body reacted on its own. I jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow causing him to let go. My heart thudded a lot harder at what he said and I don't know why.

"S-stop it. Your ten times even more annoying now." I accused a finger at him stupidly, my face as hot as enchiladas.

He caught my hand and I gasped, electricity seemed to pull us together. He looked confused as well but he continued with it anyway. Slowly he interlocked our fingers together, his face solemn as if thinking hard about something. "You still think I'm annoying?" He caresses the back of my hand, wearing his signature smirk.

I couldn't come up with anything, with my brains overthinking what this could possibly mean, my brains could only come up with one word. "Maybe."

Sorry guys, really sorry for the late update. A problem came up and then I went to a family vacation. Hopefully this short update would make up for it. xD Yeah, yeah I'm such a bad author I know.

Don't worry I'll update the next one soon and I'll make it long considering there will be the next challenge. Give me two days tops.

Please vote and tell me what you think. *pouts*

Thank you guys. :D


Thanks to @ventglacial for the really awesome cover. :D

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