What a weird egg

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It's the morning a small egg is sleeping in a hole inside the wall , no one noticed there where here and know one knows how long they have been here not even them , they are just sleeping until they suddenly wake up . Confuse the egg looks around hoping to see something familiar but nothing , so they look outside to see trees , flowers and a bleu sky the egg shin with joy of course they never saw the outside before but for the first time of their short life they are free , the strange egg start running around collecting flowers and playing in the tree never they have been so happy . The egg is laying on the grass, around them there is the many flowers they  collected and happily  the egg fall asleep.

One, or tow hours later the egg  up at thier gurgling stomach, never before the small egg had to worry about food , confuse the egg try to eat a poppy but spit it out as soon as they chew on it, despite this failure the egg is determine to find food , so they start running around look for anything that looks eatable. Unlucky for a small egg in a world they don't know it's not that easy to find food. Exhausted the little egg sit in the shadow of a big tree to rest , the sadness who was slowly starting to get to them  despair as soon as a delicious smell of cake gets to the small egg , hungry the child start to follow the smell until they found themselves in front of a brown house with a blue roof protected but wooden fences. The delicious sent seem to be coming from the garden full of beautiful flower . The  small egg carefully climb the fence to get to the garden, no one seems to be here but on the table in the middle of the garden is a cake, starving the little egg jump to the cake to eat half of it , full they seat on a bench , the weather is nice and fresh , the birds are singing the sound of a flute is playing with the wind , the egg is slowly falling asleep. Wait! A flute ?

An other egg is in the garden she has brown hair and a red hat , she is peacefully playing her flute and doesn't seem to have noticed our little egg who's watching her play her beautiful music, when slowly the brown haired egg turn to face the small egg sat on the bench , they turn pale , the egg with a flute is cracked, the little egg is so choke tears started falling from thier eyes . While the egg with the red hat is confuse but seeing the panic of the other egg she gives them a flower before placing a pale pink sign saying :

"  Hi I'm Tallulah and you who are you ? "

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