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In the realm of locks and secrets, you see, There exists a small and humble key. With its intricate notches, a unique design, It holds the power to unlock, to unbind.

In the pome of key, a symbol so clear, Of potential, of access, of what's held dear. It opens the doors to a world unknown, A journey of possibilities, yet to be shown.

A key to a house, a place to call home, Where memories are made, and we freely roam. A key to a heart, a love that's true, In its tender embrace, our spirits renew.

In the pome of key, there's a magic spell, To unlock mysteries, only time can tell. A small piece of metal, a symbol of trust, In its power, we find what we must.

So cherish the keys in your life's embrace, For they lead to adventures, to a special place. In the journey of life, they play their part, In the pome of key, they hold a special art.

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