Chapter one

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I'm so excited to finally be writing! The description for the fic might change as we go on as I'm just writing as I go so I might change my mind on the plot a few time. 

If you have any questions feel free to ask, always love to interact with people. That's how I met one of my Co-writers! (Special shout out Fruity <3)

Also sorry in advance for the weird P.O.V switches I'm inevitably going to have, it just doesn't make sense for my story to have one main P.O.V. I'm also really bad with P.O.Vs so I'm prob accidentally doing a 3rd person one when I'm meant to be doing a first Person one 😭

- Claire


3rd person P.O.V (Louis?)

Louis sighed heavily before getting out of his car. Cameras flicked quickly as he made his way into the resultant with his body guards. The waiter saw him and quickly gestured for him to follow. The restaurant was oddly empty. 'Simon had probably rented it out' Louis thought absently. 

"Fashionably late as always, Tomlinson" Simon said. Louis quickly looked up. "God did I not miss you" he snapped, before heading towards the other lads. "Tommo!" They said greeting up to hug him. "Greetings, greetings" "now you lads don't mind that I'm late, do you?". "No, we find it almost endearing" Niall teased. Simon cleared his throat. "Surprisingly you weren't the last one to arrive, Harry has yet to arrive" Simon stated, huffing. "Harry? Late?" The lads all said. 

Suddenly, there was a frenzy outside. Everyone could hear shouting and camera clicking from inside the restaurant. "I know he got popular but wow this is crazy" Zayn said. The boys nodded in agreement. Harry suddenly appeared. He was dressed from head to toe in black. With a pare of expensive looking sunglasses on. Louis scoffed, seemed like a dramatic entry and over the top out fit to him. 

(What Harry's wearing)

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(What Harry's wearing)

Harry approached the table throwing his phone and a pack of cigarettes on the table. He sat down heavily, waving a waiter down right after. "Gin on ice, babes" "thanks" he said. 'At least he said thanks after calling her babes' Louis thought. "Don't you think that was a bit rude Harry?" Simon snapped as soon as the waiter left. Harry cocked his head to the side. Ignoring Simons question he asked "are we started this fucking meeting or not?". "Harry..." Liam warned. Harry scowled at Liam but said nothing.

"As you all know, we're gathered here to discuss then one direction reunion". "As previously stated, your contracts requires you to do a tour for every album you make" Simon continues. "And since you never went on tour for you last album you're required to do so". "However, you guys can decide to do an AM tour, or a reunion tour with songs from all your albums". "I'd like to know why Zayn here for one, he bought out of his contract" Harry spoke up, casting a distasteful look at Zayn. "Previous agreements were made prior to Zayn leaving". "Am I able to buy out of contract and not do this stupid fucking reunion tour?" Harry asked, with a weird level of calm. "Mate we're right here" Louis said. "Shut the fuck up, Louis" Harry snapped his eyes still on Simon. "Harry, we've talked about this before, we're not having this conversation here, I first of the lads"  The lads looked back between Simon and Harry, 'why couldn't they have this conversation in front of them? What were they missing?' They all thought "I don't think-" Harry started" "ENOUGH" Simon yelled. Cutting Harry off. Harry scowled at Simon before casting his gaze down, and staying quiet. "Anyways, you lads will be having a busy schedule starting soon." Simon said. "I want you guys to all start being more active on social media and with each other". "Yes Harry that included you too" Simon said before Harry could complain. Harry muttered something under his breath. Niall nudged Harry to stop. "Starting, the paps outside will have already gotten pictures of you". "I want you guys to follow each other back on your social media accounts in a week". "That will be done for you Harry" Simon added. Harry only grunted in response. "I'd like you guys to meet up in two days to figure out your set list and what solo songs you want to sing". The lads all nodded. "Where should we meet?". "We can't at my house, it's under renovation" Niall said. "I only have an apartment in LA" Zayn said. "Same with me" Louis followed. "My house is pretty far away from all of yours". "Harry you fine with meeting up on Tuesday at yours?". "Not like I have a choice" Harry grumbled. "Say, where do you live mate? We've got no idea" Zayn said suddenly "Same place me and Lou...Louis bought together". Louis mouth dropped open. "You still have that place??". "Yes". For a split second that lads could see a bit of emotion in Harry's normal, dark, cold looking eyes. To say That Louis was hurt, that Harry had corrected himself on saying his Nick name would be an understatement. But it's not like he could say anything about It.

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