Ch. 2, Blades of a flower

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3rd POV: Pacific Base

[FLASH BACK: few minutes]

at the base, a girl was waiting at the docks of the naval base. another girl then came up behind her

???: "are you still worried about Cleveland's team, Wales?"

Wales: "yes Illustrious, they should have been here by now"

Illustrious: "well, isn't sims and honolulu with them?"

Wales: ".... Well, you have a point. Still...."

Illustrious: "is there something else on your mind?"

Wales: ".... yes, the main Fleet of the Royal navy is coming here, as well as a representative of Eagle union"

Illustrious: "I wonder what could-"

suddenly the sky turned grey and the water turned rough as a storm suddenly appeared. in the distance, two ships approached out of the fog, followed by a large fleet of Sirens. realising what's happening, Wales bolted towards the radio tower as Japanese fighter planes fire upon the ship girls, damaging said tower in the process. as she sent a distress signal, the two Japanese carriers drew close and spoke

Akagi: "sakura empire, 1st carrier division, Akagi"

Kaga: "sakura empire, 1st carrier division, kaka"

Akagi/kaga: "Behold and tremble!"

hundreds more aircraft then take off their ships and fill the skies, while Siren aircraft follow their lead. then a ship girl launched interceptors in to the sky while holding a unicorn plushy

???: "U-Unicorn! Wait!"

Unicorn: "don't bully my friends!"

her plushy then transforms into an actual unicorn, which she rides into the sky. in response to this, kaga transforms her carrier into a giant fox with flight decks mounted to it's shoulder. After the fox knockes down the little carrier onto the water surface, it goes down with it's mouth open, ready to eat her. just as it gets close, an Eagle made of light flies into the foxes mouth and out it's back. everyone then looks to the source of the projection. There, they see a single Eagle union carrier in the distance, standing strong

Akagi: "the grey ghost, the Great E..."

Kaga: "so it's you!"

Enterprise: "Enterprise, Engage!"

as the union carrier says this, her ship turns into blue cubes that turn into her  rigging. she then jumps on one of her planes and flys closer to engages the fox and kaga in combat, subsequently destroying the fox. After a battle with kaga, Wales and Illustrious arrived at the battle field, forcing akagi and kaga to retreat

Kaga: "dear sister! I can still fight!"

Akagi: "I know, but there's a right time and place for everything. besides, we've accomplished our goals, mostly. our mission is a success"

Kaga: "... yes, dear sister. if you say so"

the carriers then disappear in a swarm of pink petals. everyone then gave a sigh of relief, but it was short lived when they realised that the clouds weren't going away. hundreds of portals then appeared in the sky, in which Sirens came out until the total number of Sirens exceeded a thousand.

Illustrious: "Wales! what are we going to do?"

Wales: "I... i-I don't-"


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