Chapter 4: Rent-a-cop (edited)

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Aaliyah pov

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off in my ears. Reaching my hand over to stop the repulsive noise from ringing. I walked over to my bathroom and started a nice hot shower. I stood in the shower as Ray occupied my mind. It was no secret I had daddy issues so when I liked a guy I became obsessed. "Girl he don't want you get him out your head, like please you just met him" I told myself trying to get him out my mind.

After my shower I put on my robe sitting in my vanity doing my hair and make up. When I got done with my hair I picked out my outfit knowing my parents would not approve so I would have to sneak out the window. I bought the clothes not to long ago. When I met them I wanted to live my life and that exactly what they did I didn't want to be so miserable and boring my whole life I'm glad I changed.
Hair & outfit

(Or wtv you want)

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(Or wtv you want)

I grabbed my board and bag while carefully climbing down the tree. I made it to the grass and crept around the side of my house making sure not to be seen by the evil man lurking inside.

We were all skating around out side at the back of Motoz till I noticed the boy I saw staring from yesterday sitting down, I needed a break any ways I thought to my self and approached the boy sitting next to him. "Hey I'm Aaliyah" I told him he just stared at me for a bit before responding "I'm Stevie" he said "your really pretty" he added "thank you" I told him with a big smile. "I'm skating like shit today" Ruben said approaching us drink all the water "looks cool to me" Stevie told him "I'm Ruben" he said looking a Stevie putting his hand out to dap him up "Stevie" he replied returning the jester well at least trying to. Just then Ray came over "lemme get some water" he said pointing to the jug "Damn, did you really drink all of it? Fill that up man" he said shaking the jug before tossing it back to Ruben. "Yo, Stevie go fill this up, yo" Ruben told him handing him the jug that he happily took jumping up and going into the building. "Thanks lil man" Ray said taking the jug from Stevie who returned shortly. "OOO refreshing!!" Ray said taking a few gulps of the water before getting back to skating as I followed shortly behind him.


"I got one why do they say Mexicans a lazy" fuck shit asked looking at me and Ruben "Why you looking at us?" Ruben asked "yea do people say that shit?" I asked him laughing "I heard the shit. Every time I see a Mexican them n!**as is building buildings and shit" fuck shit said causing everyone to laugh "that fucked up yo" Ruben said letting out a small laugh "I never said I said it I said people say it, that whole point of the game is so you don't get offended" fuck shit said "I do have a question for fourth grade, why are white people so inlove with there pets, like why do they care so much I don't get it" ray said interrupting fuck shit before he said anything else, "For reallllll" fuck shit added "So, I'm at this white girl house right and we chillin, and I could hear her mom downstairs like "oh my gosh Eric didn't eat his kibble today. I don't know I think we need to take him to the doctor" so I asked her why is your mom feeding your little brother kibble? Like of course he's gonna get sick, she gon turn around and tell me, "Eric is a dog silly" Ray finished "dogs don't have feeling you dumb bitch" Ruben said laughing making me lightly hit his leg "YES THEY DO. I'm not white and im love my dog" I told them they all just looked at me for a second "must be a girl thing" fuck shit replied "I don't even have a dog I have a gecko" fourth grade said turning all heads "DID THIS N!**A JUST SAY HE HAD A GECKO!?!?" Fuck shit said laughing making everyone else laugh "YOU GOT A GECKO!!!!?" Ray asked looking a fourth grade "yeah" fourth grade said with a slight smile "I don't know one n!**a in the world with a fucking gecko" Ray told him "all right I have one, can black people-" fourth grade started " be careful" Ray told him making everyone laugh
"is it cool to be black?" he asked "wtf, n!**a that's where I get all my looks from, silky-ass sexy hair. Black dont crack. That why I'm 17 and look 12 n!**a. What, you 17 and look like fucking Mr. Burns" fuck shit said making everyone laugh "I guess sometime like, say we go skating in Beverly Hills. Everyone is already looking at us like "you guys are vandalizing property. Get tf out of her blah blah blah" But sometimes it's like a bit extra on me. Like people judging me and stuff, but fuck if those people are ignorant" Ray says "I got another one, can black people get sunburned" fourth grade asked "OH MY GOSH" "are you fucking kidding me rn" Ray said "Like every time it's hot out I'm like does he need sunscreen? Is there like black suntan lotion." Fourth grade said "you a real dumb ass, just when I thought you had a brain, bro you dumb as hell" Ray said "what about you little man? Did you know that black people could get sunburnt?" Ray asked turning to Stevie along with everyone else. He stated quite for a while Ray iffed his head at him waiting for a reply. "What are black people?" Stevie asked. Everyone went silent and turned their heads to Ray who looked at Stevie. Before Ray broke out laughing cause if everyone else to laugh to well except Ruben he just looked at him "fuck shit what was dope" fuck shit said "that was dope I liked that" Ray told him before adding "but yall trynna go skate?" Ray asked "let's go" fuck shit replied "I'm down"I told him "Ruben you trynna go skate?" He asked earning a nod from him along with a quite yeah "All right, then let's go. You coming sunburn?" Ray asked with a smile "SUNBURNNNNNNN" fuck shit said dragging out the name making everyone laugh again besides Ruben who looked almost mad.

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