Himiko Takes A Dive

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    Himiko was sitting on the edge of the school pool, forlornly dipping her feet into the water. The smell of chlorine filled her nose as she sighed and propped her head into her hands. The last few weeks, gym period was spent teaching the students how to swim. Like many of the other students, Himiko already knew how to swim, so she wasn't upset about that. She did, however, want to conquer her fear of something she'd always been afraid to do, but didn't know how.

   "He-eeeey, Monkey Buns!" Kokichi called to her as he sat down next to her. He dipped his feet in the water, as well. "Why do you look so glum?"

   "Nyeh...I'm just having personal problems, as usual," Himiko mumbled. 

   "I see. Well, what's today's personal problem?" Kokichi asked. Himiko looked across the pool up at the tall diving board.

    "Wa-hoooooo!!!" Akane shouted as she plunged from the diving board straight into the water below.

   "I wanna jump off the diving board, but I can't," she replied. 

  "What's the problem? You can swim, right? So you shouldn't have any problem jumping off that thing," Kokichi pointed out. 

   "Yeah, but...it's just so high," Himiko said. "I feel like I'm gonna drop straight to my death! W-What if the water wasn't deep enough?!" Kokichi smiled and rolled his eyes.

   "It's deep enough, Himiko," he said. "I mean, Akane came out just fine. Look at her." They both turned to see Akane emerging from the pool and shaking the water from her head. 

   "Well...I guess you're right," Himiko said. "But, I'm still scared."

   "Wanna see me do it right now?" Kokichi asked. 

   "You're not scared?" Himiko asked. 

   "Nope! I go up there all the time! You've seen me," Kokichi said.

   "Yeah, but...how do you not get scared every time you go up there?" Himiko asked. Kokichi shrugged.

   "I dunno, I just...do it," he replied. "I can swim, and I know there's water below me. I've got nothing to worry about."

   "Well...okay!" Himiko said. Kokichi smiled as he helped Himiko up and led her to the diving board. 

   "Here I go!" he said, and began climbing. He made his way up to the top and jumped a few times on the board before diving off of it into the water. "Yipeeeeeeee!!!" he yelled. The water swallowed him up and exploded with a decent-sized splash. He then crawled out of the water, shaking his hair. "See? Easy as Miu!"

   "Hey! I heard that!" Miu spat.

   "Good!" Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin while flipping her off. He turned back to Himiko. "Now, you give it a try, HimiCocoa Bean!"

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