Whispers of the Numb Little Bug

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In shadows deep, a soul does dwell,
A numb little bug, a silent shell.
Pills and potions, hopes it clings,
Seeking solace, mending wings.

Lost in the city's neon glow,
A world too big, a river's flow.
A fragile vessel, bound to break,
Yearning for solace, a chance to wake.

Empathy lingers, yet distant and cold,
A heart grown weary, stories untold.
Hanging by threads, but still we strive,
In the quest for reasons to stay alive.

Invisible battles, a body's facade,
Beneath the surface, a heart feeling flawed.
Love's scent in the air, but just out of reach,
A yearning for wholeness, lessons to teach.

Tired of trying, a spirit grows weak,
Seeking quick repairs, a refuge to seek.
Broken and broke, yet holding on tight,
In the struggle for meaning, to see the light.

So, let the pills come, with names hard to say,
Hoping they'll guide us, showing the way.
For within the numbness, a spark may ignite,
A chance to find meaning, to set things right.

In the midst of the struggle, we aim to survive,
To feel more than shadows, to truly feel alive.
For even the bug, in its silence and hush,
Yearns for a world where it doesn't just rush.

Through trials and tribulations, we'll find our own way,
With hope as our compass, we'll seize the day.
For in every numb bug, a fire may burn,
A yearning for life, a desire to learn.

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