Act 1 Scene 1

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(Cebu, Cebu city, the Philippines) (In a small house)

Woman: Love! Love! George!
George: (answers from the room) Yes!!
Woman: Would you please hurry up? The children are already late for school.
George: (hurries down the stairs) Yes I know that love. Where are their lunch boxes?
Woman: I haven't gotten them yet. Am still cooking the food.
George: I'll go get them. (Gets the lunch boxes and gives her)
Woman: Thank you.
(A little girl comes down with her school bag)
Girl: Good morning father, good morning mother.
Parents: (in unison) Morning
George: Have you gotten your bag ready?
Girl: Yes father
George: Okay.
Woman: (Gives her her lunch box)
Girl: Thank you mother
Mother: Where's your sister?
Girl: She's.......
Mother: Bella!! Annabella!
(Little Bella comes running down the stairs)
Bella: Yes Mother?
Mother: How many times do I have to tell you to hurry up?
Bella: I was trying to tie my hair up.
Mother: Why didn't you ask your sister to help you?
Bella: Because she doesn't know how to. Look at her hair, it's so ugly.
Mother: Which is better? Tie your hair up ugly or go to school late?
Bella: But...
Mother: (cuts in) Mm.....? (Staring into her eyes in anger)
Bella: (in a murmuring tone) Tie my hair up ugly.
Mother: Good, now go to school. I believe you've packed your books?
Bella: Yes I have.
George: Ok then, let's go. (They enter into their father's tricycle)
Mother: Bella don't forget to meet your teacher to submit your last assignment and tell her you wouldn't do such again.
Bella: Yes Mother.
Mother: Vida.
Vida: Yes mother?
Mother: Don't eat your food before break.
Vida: But I didn't eat breakfast.
Mother: And neither did your sister but she doesn't eat before break.
Vida: But she.....
(Bella looks at her and tells her to shut up in a low tone)
Mother: What was that?
Vida: I understand mother.
Mother: Okay. And love, drive safely.
George: I will, don't worry. Now can we go?
Mother: Not until you give me a kiss.
(They all kiss her on the cheek)
Mother: Alright, off you go.
Vida: Bye mother.
Bella: Bye mother.
Mother: Bye. Study hard. (They leave)

(On the way)

Bella: (in a low tone) Don't tell me you were about to tell on me.
Vida: (in a low tone) I wasn't.
Bella: (in a low tone) Well it sure looked like you were.
Vida: (in a low tone) I wasn't going to, okay?
Bella: (in a low tone) You better not tell on me or I'll tell father on you.
Vida: (in a low tone) Why do you always keep saying that. I wasn't doing anything wrong!
Bella: (in a low tone) Well, if you weren't doing anything wrong you wouldn't be scared and allow me to tell father.
Vida: (in a low tone) You wouldn't dare!
Bella: (in a low tone) Try me!
George: (hears them arguing) Hey! Hey! Hey! What's going on back there? You two better not be doing what i think you are. (The both of them keep silent) Good. Now keep it that way.
(George drops them off at school)
Bella: (kisses George on the cheek) Bye father.
George: Bye Bella. Study hard and please don't get in trouble.
Bella: Yes father.
Vida: (Holds his hand and places it on her forehead) Bye father.
George: Bye Vida. You too be good, okay?
Vida: Okay.
George: Alright. Bye! (Waves at them as he leaves and they wave back at him) (the two girls leave for class)

(At a beauty parlour)
(Their mother is conversing with the hairstylists as they style her hair)
Woman 1: (Gasp) Seriously, Marla did that?
Woman 2: Yes.
Woman 1: Oh my gosh!
Woman 2: Some say she killed her husband and went to jail.
Woman 1: (Gasp) Oh my goodness! I can't believe we live around murderers now. Macy you better be careful especially with your twins.
Macy: Vida has no problem, just Bella.
Woman 1: Well, I suggest you worry about the two of them.
Macy: (sighs) I really pray nothing bad happens to the both of them. Every time Bella does something wrong, Vida always covers for her. I just hope they wouldn't hide anything serious from me one day.
Woman 2: Well, it's what sisters do, besides Vida is older. She's only looking out for her sister.
Woman 1: (to the second woman) Girl, they're the same age.
Woman 2: Yeah but born at different times.
Macy: You don't get it Clara, it's like when Bella does something wrong, Vida is forced to cover for her.
Clara: Hmn..... Now what does Bella have against Vida that she uses to control her?
Woman 1:Girl I think you should worry more about Vida than Bella.
Clara: I agree with Maxine. Girl, keep your eyes on Vida.
Macy: (sighs)

(At school, before break)

Boy: (to Bella) Psst! Psst!
Bella: (looks at him) (in a low tone) What?
Boy: (in a low tone) I got the food. Let's go.
Bella: (shows him an 'ok' sign using her fingers)
Boy: (Raises his hands up)
Teacher: Yes, Riley?
Riley: I need to excuse myself teacher.
Teacher: It's, May I excuse myself? And why do you always use the toilet before break? Couldn't you use the toilet in your house before coming to school.
Riley: I was in a hurry.
Teacher: Fine, fine, go.
(After a while)
Bella: (Raises her hand) Teacher?
Teacher: Yes, Bella?
Bella: Can I go fetch some water?
Teacher: Didn't you get water from home?
Bella: I think my mother forgot again.
Teacher: Vida, is that so?
Bella: (looks at Vida)
Vida: Yes, teacher.
Teacher: Well, can't you wait till break?
Bella: But am thirsty
Teacher: Ok, fine. Go. (After she leaves) Vida don't you also need water?
Vida: No teacher, am not thirsty.
Teacher: Okay.
Vida: Um... Teacher?
Teacher: Yes?
Vida: May I excuse myself?
Teacher: Alright but be quick.
Vida: Yes, teacher. (She leaves) (then she hurries to find Bella and Riley) Bella! You need to stop! You can't keep doing this. Teacher is going to find out sooner or later.
Bella: What's your problem? What? Are you hungry?
Vida: Yes, but...
Bella: (cuts in) Well am not going to giving you any of my food.
Vida: Where did you get the money to buy bread and fish?
Bella: Father gave me.
Vida: Father gave you money?
Bella: Yes. What? You don't believe me? Why don't you ask father but when you do, am telling on you.
Vida: (Hears footsteps) Bella, I hear footsteps, you have to leave here.
Riley: Yeah, like we would believe you.
Vida: No really, I hear footsteps coming this way. We have to go.
Bella: Then go and leave us alone.
Vida: Bella, come on we have to go!
(Turns to her back and sees the principal standing in front of her)
Principal: Miss Annavida. Why are you not in class?
Vida: Ma'am, it's not what you it looks like, we were just.....
Principal: (cuts in) We? (Vida looks back and sees no one but the food)
Vida: I mean, I was just walking and saw the food here.
Principal: Mm.... Interesting. Why don't you tell me more in my office?
Vida: (sighs) (they both leave)

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