Act 2 Scene 1

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(Macy is rushed to the operating theatre in the hospital as screams in pain)

Doctor: Ma'am am going to count from 1 to 3 after that I want you to push as much as you can.
Macy: (screaming in pain)
Doctor: Okay, are you ready.
Macy: (breathing profusely as she holds as she holds on to the rim of the bed)
Doctor: Okay, am gonna count now... 1.. 2...3 Push!
Macy: (pushes hardly and then stops as she continues to breathe profusely)
Doctor: Another one! 1.. 2.. 3 Push!
Macy: (makes another hard push and stops as she becomes weak and starts to close her eyes slowly)
Nurse 1: Doctor, she loosing a lot of blood.
(Meanwhile Saffron is outside the room restlessly walking back and forth)
Saffron: (joins her hands in prayer) Oh Lord, please hear my prayer, please save my sister and her child. Let nothing bad happen to the both of them. Please.

(Also the same time in the labour room)

Nurse 1: Doctor, do we need to prepare for a blood transfusion?
Doctor: (looks at Macy and sees that she's slowly closing her eyes and becoming weaker, then she looks at the nurse) Quickly check the blood bank if we still have her blood type. (To another nurse) Make sure she doesn't sleep. We have to do everything to save both of them.
(The nurse leaves to the bank and the other taps her on the cheek encouraging her to push)
(After a while)
Nurse 2: Doctor, the bleeding hasn't stopped!
Doctor: (sweating) (whispers) What do I do?
Nurse 1: (rushes in) Doctor, we're out of blood!
Nurse 2: What about the woman outside? Should we test her blood?
Doctor: (looks at Macy) I'm afraid we don't have more time.
Nurse 1: So what do we do?
Doctor: We have to save one.
Nurse 1: Let's save the mother?
Doctor: Prepare..
Macy: (cuts in) (in a very weak tone) Doctor, please save my child. (In tears) Please.. Save my child.
Doctor: Okay, we will save your child but you have to cooperate with us.
Macy: (nods a yes)
Nurse: Doctor...
Doctor: Let's save the child. Make sure she doesn't sleep off. Ma'am am gonna need you to push your hardest! Use everything you've got in you. Am going to count to 3. Everyone ready?
Nurses: (in unison) Ready!
Doctor: 1.. 2..3 Push!
Macy: (pushes hardly and then stops she breathes profusely while the nurse taps her to stay awake)
Doctor: Okay, I can see the child! One last big push! Come on, you can do it!
Macy: (in tears)(in a low tone) Please, take care of my children. (Then she pushes hardly for the last time and the baby comes out)
Doctor: (smiles) It's a boy.
Macy: (smiles as she looks at the baby in the doctor's arms) My child. (Her eyes start to close as the EKG machine starts to beep fast)
Nurse: Doctor! (They all try to save her but to no avail and the the lines on the machine go flat with a long beep)
Doctor: (sighs and looks at the clock) Time of death, 10:00pm.

(Later, they whole team come out the door)

Saffron: (sees a nurse taking taking the baby away) Is that the baby? Where are you taking the baby? (Following the nurse when another nurse stops her) Doctor, what's going on? Where's the nurse taking the baby to?
Doctor: The baby had a premature birth so it has to be kept in an incubator until due time. No one is allowed to touch the baby to avoid any infections or mishaps.
Saffron: Okay.. wh..what about the mother?
Doctor: So sorry but...
Saffron: What do you mean sorry? Why're u saying sorry? Doctor, how's my sister?
Doctor: We lost her. We really are sorry. Sorry but we tried our best.
Saffron: (a tear flows down her cheek) No. No. (Smiles as she closes her eyes in tears) No doctor. I'm asking you about my sister, the mother of the child! My sister!
Doctor: We're sorry for your loss ma'am. Our condolences.
Saffron: (cries out) No no no... No.. (she runs into the room and sees the body on the bed) (she covers her mouth as she cries beside the bed) No! Please sis, you can't leave what about your children? What about me! What am I going to do without you beside me! Sis! (Crying)

(Later at a house)

Janice: Mom, you're back! (Hugs her)
Saffron: (devastated)
Janice: Mom? What's wrong?

(Bella, Melinda and Vida walk up to them)

Bella: Aunt Saffron, you're back! Where's mother?
Vida: Aunt Saffron?
Melinda: Ma'am? Is something wrong?
Saffron: (walks slowly as she bursts into tears and kneels on the floor)
Janice: (hugs her) Mom why are you crying? Please stop crying.
Bella & Vida: (hug her) (in unison) Aunt.
Vida: Please stop crying aunt.
Melinda: (pats her as she squats) Please tell us what happened.
Saffron: (out loud in tears) George.. and Macy are gone!
Melinda: Gone?
Bella: Where did mother and father go?
Saffron: (cries as she nods a no) Bella, Vida, your parents have passed away. They're never coming back.
Bella: (tears form in her eyes) What?
Saffron: (crying)
Vida: (her eyes become full with and eventually start flowing) Aunt..
Bella: (crying as she hugs Saffron) Mother! Father!
Vida: (crying as Melinda hugs her in tears)

(Few days later they bury George and Macy beneath the ground at their house)

Vida & Bella: (crying)
Vida: (crying) Mother, father why did you have to leave now? What am I going to do without the both of you. I don't know what I'll do without you here. I feel so alone...(crying)
Bella: Mother, father, why did you leave so soon. Why did this happen? How can I live without you.
Saffron: (in a low and sad tone) George, why now? Sis, you left too soon. Please, give me the courage to take responsibility, to raise these children well because I feel so scared right now. I don't know if I can do it. I'll try my very best to take care of your children, I'll treat like my own. I hope you can both rest peace knowing this. I won't let anything or anyone ruin their lives but you also have to help me from up there. Please..
Janice: (crying) Aunt Macy, Uncle George. I going to miss you so much. I will never forget how you helped me and mom, aunt. It's because of you that we can live in peace. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Melinda: (hugs the kids) Ma'am, I didn't get to meet your husband but I really am grateful for accommodating me in your house. I'll do everything I can to take care of the kids. I hope you and your husband rest in peace.

(Later at the new house, outside)

Vida: (crying as she sits on the stairs)
Mother, father, I miss you so much. How am I going to spend the rest of my life without you in it? I feel so empty. Please come back.. please.. I don't feel like living anymore.
Bella: (walks toward her as she holds her on the shoulder and sits beside her) (crying) Vida, what are we going to do? Our baby brother is in the hospital, we don't have anywhere to go to, we're left with aunt, Janice and Melinda. We don't have parents anymore. Who's going to take care of us now that they're gone? What if aunt also leaves us? I'm so scared Vida.
Vida: (looks to the sky and cleans her tears, then she holds Bella's hands) Don't be scared. I'm here. I'll take care of you and our baby brother. Even if no one wants to take care of us. I will take care of the both of you.
Bella: (cleans her tears) You don't have to do it alone. I'm here for you too. I'll help you so we can both rake care of our baby brother.
Vida: (smiles) We can do this, even if it's just you and I, we have our parents blessings and One who watch over us from above. You and I can do it. We can do this.
Bella: (smiles) You and I can do it. We can do this.
(They hug)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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