01.02. Our very first night

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Joey and Jesse were in Michelle's room getting her ready for bed, their parenting skills getting slightly better each night. They came up with the idea to put her in three diapers. The two guys struggled with her pjs and Danny intervened and took over.

Stephanie and Cherry walked into Jesses room and saw him putting up an Elvis poster. Cherry looked around the room and saw that it had a lot of posters, covering the pink bunnies that were special to Stephanie.

"Hi uncle Jesse." Stephanie said.

"Hey kid."

"What happened to my room?" Stephanie asked glumly.

"Pretty cool huh? Look I'm hanging Elvis up right here." He told her proudly.

"Over my bunnies?" She asked sadly.

"Well Steph, your bunnies are very pink."

"Uncle Jesse, mom made those bunnies just for her." Cherry informed him.

"Don't you like them?" Stephanie asked gently.

Jesses face fell when Cherry told him that Pam had made the bunnies. He quickly pulled off the poster. "These bunnies. I love these bunnies. I'm sure Elvis had bunnies hanging all over Graceland." He said caressing the wall as Danny walked in.

"Okay riddle time. What has blond hair, purple jammies, and is up way past her bed time?" Danny asked crouching down to Stephanie's level.

"Uhm. Elvis?" She answered.

"Stephanie. Sandman express is coming." Joey said poking his head through the door frame. A harmonicas sound followed as Joey crawled into the room.

"All aboard!" Danny said as Steph climbed onto joeys back. He crawled forwards continuing the harmonica into Steph and DJs room.

"Last stop, Stephanie's bed." He said and Stephanie climbed off of his back and onto the toy chest in front of her bed.

"Thank you Sandman Express." Steph said.

"The Sandman Express runs every night."

"If I get on now will you drop me off at the nearest hotel?" DJ asked him. Cherry walked back to her room after saying goodnight and got into her PJs.

She sat on her bed for a little while before her phone rang. She quickly picked it up and heard her best friend Rachel over the phone.

"Heyyyyy, I know it's like super duper late but..." Rachel giggled over the phone.

"But what Rach?" Cherry asked.

"Okay so get this, Shawn, like Shawn-Shawn, the guy who's like madly in love with you."

"Yes I know of him. And he's not madly in love with me, we're friends Rachel." Cherry interrupted.

"Yeah yeah whatever "friends" anyways, he asked out Heather Osmet and she said yes. So now there dating. Can you believe it?"

"Yes I can, now why did I need to know this right now and why couldn't it have waited till tomorrow?"

"Because I just got off the phone with Shawn and he said he's about to call you. So I just wanted to heads up you."

"Okay thanks Rach, I'll see you tomorrow. Night."

"Goodnight Cherry."

Cherry hung up and right as she put her phone down it rang again. She answered it.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hey Lottie." Shawn said through the phone. Shawn came up with the name Lottie for her. She always preferred Cherry but she didn't hate the other name. And she only let Shawn call her it.

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