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Author's pov

Centuries passed away with the Jeon Couple living happily with their daughter and then welcoming their second daughter Jeon Jiah (Melinoë). She is the Goddess of Ghosts and Necromancy, Melinoë has divine authority and absolute control over the dead, though to a somewhat lesser extent than Hades, but bigger when it comes to ghosts.

She is more comfortable using the dead than Hades, therefore exploring this power to a greater extent; as he (hades) would use mindless skeletons and she would use ghosts. Melinoë has divine control over nightmares and making others' phobias come true.

Melinoë can also manipulate the Mist to transport herself to other places instantly. She also has some control over darkness but not fully since she is not a goddess who has divine authority over it like Hades.

Both the sisters might be like their father when it comes to powers and duty but in the palace they are nothing but their parents cuties. Both the sisters often join hands to cause trouble to their five uncles who are so done with their naughtiness, especially sloth (Belphegor)

Oh also both are their mummy's pet even if they love their father more they will always be seen roaming behind their mummy. Ara and Jiah are very serious when it comes to their and Jungkook is very proud of his daughters.

Tbh jungkook is over the moon after having two beautiful daughters its just that he is too done from getting complains from his ministers and the angels and gods about both of their naughtiness especially Jiah. She is the naughtiest.

Whenever jungkook calls his younger daughter to scold her , jiah would give a cute smile to him and cutely say 'Papa me love chu' and that's it jungkook melts down into puddles. What can be done? His wife and daughters have him wrapped around their pinky finger

One fine day–

Both the sisters are playing tag in the garden. The whole garden is resonating with their melodious giggles. Taehyung smiled when he saw his both daughters playing being so carefree. Free from their daily duty

"Ara , Jiah. Come here my bubbas" taehyung lovingly called his daughters who rushed to him with beautiful smiles

"Yes mummy" both the sisters stood in front of their mother , hand in hand.

"I am going to earth to meet one of my old friend. You both wanna tag along?" Taehyung asked, looking at his daughters. Ara and Jiah looked at each other before looking at taehyung

"We have to ask papa if we have any work or not. Just wait here mummy , we will go and ask papa and then quickly come here" both the princesses assured their mother before rushing towards their father's office room

"Papa!!" The two princesses barged inside while jungkook was having a meeting with his five ministers

"Yes my princesses?" Jungkook stood up from his seat to engulf his two daughters in a hug

"Papa , do we have any work left to do?" Ara asked and jiah nodded her head as the two hugged their father

"Hmm. Do they?" Jungkook asked Beelzebub and Asmodeus who looked through some papers and shook their head

"Well looks like you are free for now" jungkook said looking down at his two stars

"Oh that's great then we can tag along with mummy to earth" jiah said and ara nodded her head

"Keep an eye-

"Yeah yeah. Do not worry papa. No one is taking mummy away from you. You both have been married for centuries and mummy is very much in love with you to even stare at other men" Ara said patting jungkook's chest

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