locked eyes

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It was a normal day. Woke up got dressed and left the house for work. Same old same old. Today felt different for some reason. It was raining and the sky was gray, my type of weather but something felt strange like my gut was trying to tell me something, I just ended up shaking it off. Although the weather was making me lazy I still needed to go to work. I got in the car and lit my cigarette and started driving on the same road like any other mourning.

Finally arrived at work. Greeted my colleagues Surah and Mia. They both looked just as tired I mean it's retail and it's working on a Saturday we were all tired after this long week and just ready to get to our weekend and get some rest.

Around 2 hours go by little to almost no customers come in. I'm yawning at this point."It's the festival today, that's probably why it's so quiet" Sarah suddenly says. "Makes sense" I replied. "At this rate I am going to fall asleep right here on my desk, I should've brought a pillow" Mia says, we all laugh.

"Quickly going to buy something to eat" I said to Sarah. We work in a mall type of centre, it's a very small town so I'm not sure if you can call it a mall. There is a shop that is just around the corner that sells fresh baked goods. I crabbed myself a croissant and coffee and headed straight back to work.

As I got to the turn to walk into the shop I saw two people standing at my desk. A tall guy and a girl were having a friendly conversation with Sarah. I went to sit on my chair finally seeing the guys face. He made eye contact with me almost immediately. Wait! He looks familiar? Someone from school maybe? besides that he's eyes got me frozen in place. I keep staring at them, the girl next to him is still talking and I can hear her but only faintly like a background noise. I came out of my trance when he said hi to me. Not a normal hi it was more like a "he knew me" hi. Somehow this man knew me and I couldn't put my finger on who he was. what's his name? I kept asking myself. "Hi..." I said awkwardly still trying to remember.

"How are you....April?" He said to me staring deeply again into my eyes. It started to make me feel uncomfortable. It woke up something  inside of me. Those eyes were brown but dark brown almost like they were up to no good. Like the thoughts lurking behind them while staring at me were up to no good. It gave me a sensational feeling.

"Uhm.... I'm good... I mean I'm working on a Saturday..... Doing as good as I can I guess..."I said while awkwardly laughing. I'm trying to dodge this he knows my name and here I am not remembering a thing.  "And you?" I asked while I could feel my face going red.

He gave me a smirk that gave me chills "I'm doing better now..." He replied. My heart was pounding at this point. I need to know his name I know him I just can't put my finger on it and him staring is not helping at all.

"So where are you guys going today?" Sarah asked, breaking the tension between me and him. I turned to look at the girl beside him. Shit! I think to myself this is probably his girlfriend and here I am staring at him like a hungry lion seeing meat for the first time.

"I'm taking my little cousin here to the festival. She didn't have a lift so I offered her one..." He replied while patting the girl next to him on the head which she replied with a slap on his shoulder."oh sush! I'm not your little cousin I'm your big cousin, so know your place" she replied while laughing.

Then there was awkward silence because this guy's cousin and Sarah started talking. I was picking up that they somehow knew each other. But for some reason I couldn't hear their conversation I was lost in his eyes again. Suddenly I see his lips moving but I don't know what he's saying. I shook my head awkwardly "sorry I'm a little tired today , did you say something?" I asked him feeling my face going red again. He smiled at me and leaned over my desk to get closer to me "yes I was just wondering are you perhaps going to the festival?" He asked me with a smile.

"No, I mean I'm working today so will probably be very tired once I get home... I'll rather stay in my bed the weather is perfect for that." I replied still feeling myself blush.
"Oh..." He looked somewhat disipointed. He leans in even closer and says " to be honest I would rather stay in bed today as well, it's perfect cuddle weather." He winked.

"We should go now Luke" his cousin interrupted. Our eyes unlocked while we stared at her. I clear my throat. "Uhm yeah..." I see a customer walk in "I should probably get back to work." He's eyes looked sad when he said goodbye. "I hope to see u again April"

Luke? I thought to myself ,and like any girl would do, I head straight to social media...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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