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Hey guys,

I know you are waiting for un update but this isn’t it. I’m here to talk to you about something more important than a fictional story.

To those who are still unaware of the war going on between Hamas and Israel →

Hamas is a political-military group in Palestine that are defending their land from the colonialism of Israel. Israel is holding a war against Hamas as a counter attack for what the latter did but you need to realize it was not Hamas who initiated it but Israel itself. Since 75 years, Israel is doing what the British did to India and the attack of Hamas was a response to this.

This picture shows what Israel has been doing to the Palestine from the past years

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This picture shows what Israel has been doing to the Palestine from the past years.

The important thing you need to understand is that the whole population of the Palestine do not constitute Hamas. Though it is called the Hamas-Israel conflict, the people who are killed in this war are the innocent civilians who got nothing to do with Hamas and their attack. Till now, the death rate exceeded 4000 and more than 1500 of them were children. When confronted about the death of these innocents, the Israel’s answer to defend the heinous murder was they are targeting the terrorists hiding behind the civilians. What a mastermind, right?

No! Israelis are not animals. Not at all. They were good enough to give the civilians a warning to evacuate their own home before 24 hours of bombing and they bombed the road they said was a safe route! The bombing killed 40+ civilians. How sweet of them!

They didn’t stop showing their humanity there, they cut off the water supply, food and electricity in the whole Palestine. No- they don’t target innocent civilians, their only Target is those evil terrorists. I will mention some other activities of the Israel that show their generosity;

•Bombing doctors and their homes. Of course they save lives. So they are terrorists!

•Bombing a hospital filled with civilians. Hey! The terrorists were hiding behind these civilians.

•Bombing mosques and Church. You know there are terrorists in there!

• Bombing the west bank where there is no Hamas. Ahem Ahem.

• Blocking the humanitarian aid. Who knows what if there is a bomb in this humanitarian aid which is trying to provide the Palestinians with basic necessities.

•Bombing children. They are the leaders of these terrorists. So…

A kid in the Palestine was asked what he want to become when he grow up.
The little boy's answer was we never grow up in Palestine. We maybe shot anytime. Don't you think the kids in Palestine has the right to live their life like the kids in our country do?

People all over the world was triggered when Russia announced war against Ukraine. You know what, the number of Ukraine kids murdered in a whole year is less then the number of kids murdered in Palestine within a week!
There are people who still think the Palestinians deserve this.

But why?

Why do people normalize the brutality going on in Palestine? Are they not humans?

Come on, people, Wakeup!
They feed a good amount to the media to say their words. Don’t fall for it. The Israelis are victimizing themselves after brutally murdering the kids and the irony is that people are believing them!

If you have instagram, go search #palestine and you’ll know what’s going on in there. There is also an account named @motaz_azaiza  – a Palestinian photographer who gives updates about the Palestinians. If you've not yet updated Instagram, I'd prefer you to not for the app is shadow banning the accounts that are raising voice against Israel.

The cowards are not scared to kill innocents but are scared of criticism!

Raise your voice against the crimes happening against the innocents.
Do not let the media brainwash you!

To all the muslim readers,
Please pray for our Palestine brothers and sisters. They don’t deserve this animosity, no one does! Dua is the most powerful weapon of a believer. Make duas for them after every namaz.

The Ummah is like a body. If one part is in pain, the entire body is in pain. ❞

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