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New York City4th August01:17 GMT

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New York City
4th August
01:17 GMT

Exiting the Zeta tube, Kayla felt the soft taps of rain on her skin, it felt nice, peaceful. It cooled down her body and helped her mind settle, she had been so worked up she hadn't noticed how hot and bothered she had gotten, nor had she noticed the blood seeping between her fingers- apparently her fist was a bit tighter than she had thought. She swung her backpack onto one shoulder, taking the mask out. She took a moment, taking deep breaths. It was too late to go home, she couldn't fathom an excuse as to why she returned home at one thirty in the morning, her best chance would be to lie to her father and say she slept as Mj's house, at least her father would be happy she's keeping contact with Mary Jane. She went to send her father a message but decided it would be easier to make an excuse tomorrow rather than now, so she slipped over her mask and headed towards her apartment, deciding to drop her backpack there for the night. She swing through the multiple apartment blocks, most dark with sleep, however a few dotted around on her journey still had life sparked with-in. Some had people celebrating, flashing lights and music that she could hear, whilst others watched TV, curled up with their loved ones. It reminded KC of the night she had stayed up watching the scream films with her mother one Halloween night. Trick-or-treaters frequently came by, allowing the young girl to prepare herself for the next scare. She and her mother had sweets and soda that lasted them throughout the night, the sofa was used as a head board as multiple pillows and blankets was used to cushion the floor. Kayla often turned her head to her mother whenever she was frightened instinctively, causing her mother to chuckle, but non the less cling other daughter. They'd stayed up talking about the films, and conversing on the new topics from school. She missed moments like that with her mother, knowing she wouldn't get those nights with her brother or father.

Eventually Kayla made it to her complex, webbing her backpack underneath the fire escape, attempting to. be as silent as possible. Glancing inside the window, she saw her father asleep on the sofa, beer bottle in one hand the remote in his other, moments away from falling over. Unable to leave him like that, she crept through the window, moving on the ceiling to avoid her brother accidentally catching him. She listened out for Mikey, only being able to hear the soft snores from afar. Lowering her body down, she dropped from the ceiling and took the divide and bottle from her fathers hand, turning the TV off and placing the bottle on a near by coaster. She looked around the living room, finding an old knitted blanket on a rocking chair in the corner. The blue fabric was just big enough to cover her father, so with that she headed back towards the window, taking a bag of Chocolate with her.


Somehow, Kayla found herself crouched upon the Empire State Building, the view covered the whole city, venturing to the skyline. It was peaceful, there were no birds, no people, no vehicle and there was not a single gust of wind. Everything was dull, quit. Quiet, meant time to think- and despite KC's tendencies to overthink- right now was perfect. She had no responsibilities as KC and right now, New York allowed Ghost-Spider to relax and take in the night-

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