♡grieving and comfort♡

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Y/n's pov-

After Hawks "saved me" i haven't stopped crying. The police think me being kidnapped traumatized me because i certainly couldn't miss Dabi. Much to my dismay i really do miss him. I never thought i would miss him so much but i do. The same person who ive tried to escape from on multiple occasions. The person who has hurt me. Which if im being honest i don't think he meant to.

A month later I'm now sitting in a therapist office not saying anything. The only thing i do now is cry and regresses. im not interested in talking to a therapist when all i want is to be cuddled by Dabi. I crave his comfort and now i know ill never see him again. Luckily the therapist is patient with me as i cry and hold my stuffed animal close. I think she's starting to lose any hope to help me though.

At home i just lay in my bed and sob while watching my favorite cartoons. I dress in my comfy clothes and surround myself with stuffies. I think of all the times Dabi would watch cartoons with me and cuddle. How he would be making me dinner at this time.

A few months later i turn on the news. At first it was extremely boring and i was just trying to be big again but then i saw him. I saw Dabi fighting heroes on the news. Tears once again filled my eyes. The same ones that did for months. I instantly felt regressed again.

Another few days go by of me laying in bed and sucking my paci while sobbing. Suddenly i hear a loud knock on the door. I slowly get up and drag myself to the front door. The knocking gets louder.

"Im coming! Hold on!" I yell now feeling annoyed.

"I would hurry if i were you." A familiar voice says on the other side of the door. I immediately run up and open it. I was met with a face ive missed so much. A face that ive tried to forget but failed. I hug Dabi excitedly while hot tears roll down my face. This time they weren't sad grieving tears they were happy.

"Hi baby. I've missed you so much!" Dabi says hugging me tightly. We just hugged for at least ten minutes before finally letting go. I felt gross from not showering or changing clothes but he didn't seem to mind at all just happy to see me.

"Did you miss daddy?" He asks me while pushing my hair out of my face.

"Yes so much!" I sob in response. He suddenly picks me up and starts walking into the messy apartment.

"Its ok baby. Ill take care of you and this time nothing will come between us." He says in a soft comforting voice.

"You promise...?" I ask in a small voice. He sets me on the couch.

"Yes baby doll, i promise. We're going to pack your bags and go far away so you'll be safe." He smiles and gives me a kiss on the crown of my head.

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