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IN THE KINGDOM OF VALTORIA, the rulers, Aleia and Arien Vitale prepared to give birth to a child whose arrival would forever alter the balance of the world. They were the two most powerful beings in the world, whose powers together were enough to make the world bend it's knees.

Aleia and Arien Vitale changed the world by unifying all the beings in the realm and ending a war that had gone on for centuries.

Aurics are one of the most powerful creatures in the world of Eldoria. Nearly immortal beings that possess powers that range from flight and super strength to telekinesis and even reality manipulation. And below them, rests the rest of the creatures of the world. The sorcerers, vampires, werewolves, hybrids, and many, many more.

And below even them, rests the humans.

The most hated of them all as their tyranny was the whole reason for the death and destruction and suffering of so many of them. Though they were the weakest in the realm, they managed to find creative ways to hunt, kill and capture Aurics and other creatures alike.

Being deemed weak did not stop them.

When Aleia and Arien unified the realms and ended the war, even the humans were given a fraction of land to govern on their own terms and a seat at the Council of Eldritch — a council of all beings in the realm with land and kingdoms of their own.

This council is comprised of representatives from every being and kingdom, all brought together with the common goal of maintaining peace and harmony within their realm. The Council serves as a governing body, overseeing the affairs and interactions of the various supernatural beings that inhabit their world.

The council members consist of a wide array of supernatural beings, ranging from powerful vampires, ancient werewolves, elemental spirits, witches, warlocks, fairies, shape-shifters, and many more.

Each representative is chosen by their respective kingdoms or factions to voice their concerns, interests, and proposals before the council.

The meetings of the Council of Eldritch occur periodically, usually during significant celestial alignments or when crucial matters arise. These meetings serve as a platform for the representatives to discuss and debate various issues affecting their realm, such as territorial disputes, inter-kingdom conflicts, potential threats to the balance of power, and emerging supernatural phenomena.

During the meetings, the representatives present their perspectives, share knowledge, and propose solutions to maintain peace and order among the supernatural beings.

The discussions are often intense, as the diverse nature of the council members can lead to conflicting interests and viewpoints. However, the council's primary objective is to find common ground, compromise, and seek solutions that benefit the entire supernatural realm.

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