story details

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their love story starts from not so golden school days..

this story is not at all unrealistic but it sure is beautiful..

vanshiv and nitya had never imagined the beautiful bond they made in the last year of their school would be so beautiful.....

everyone who knew them always wished to have at least one friendship like them...everyone cherished them

initially nitya used to dislike him because she thought of him as every other typical popular guy who is rude , playboy, mannerless , hopeless and list goes on..

but her pov changed as soon as she started having interactions with the popular guy VANSHIV and they became inseparable 

they got into same university later..

but both were unaware of the storm coming their way...

they were in the 2 nd year of their university...where everything had changed

nitya had crush on him since 12th grade

and vanshiv had also developed a liking for was all going smooth till here until...

1 st year of university...a girl had joined nityas and vanshiv's group.

nitya and anishka always got some odd vibe from her but never said anything...slowly slowly the also started excepting her as their friend

but in holiday party she did something dirty...she tried to kiss vanshiv and later on played it away saying she was drunk...

but after few months vanshiv grew distant from nitya..

he stopped texting , would ghost her for weeks , ditched nitya , and he even fought with her when she went to him to clear things...he said some harsh words which nitya never expected and this thing was happening because.....


vanshiv had started hanging out with her other group..he was with her 24/7

he ditched everyone...even his close friends..he started behaving rudely with everyone..he was not the vanshiv that everyone new...

and THAT  ONE NIGHT...changed everyone's fate

after whatever happened that day..the whole group shattered...

only anishka , swayam and vipul were always their for her..

nitya was broken....and yk the feeling when the only person you love..leaves you without an explanation..

she says that she has moved on after that incident....

she can lie to everyone but what bout one can lie to themself...she knows that she won't ever except but she always hopefully loved vanshiv...always and forever

even though he has hurted her immensely...he is her first and last love...

                                    " and i was so scared...that i'll stay here 

                                    being in love with you waiting for you and...

                                       and then in the end, you'll just leave.."

                                                                                         -NITYA SHAH

while vanshiv  was having war with his heart and brain...and he knew he was idiot when he let his brain win...

he knew he was going to regret it but clouds of fake narratives were put in his head..he was completely brain washed by his so called friends and was turned into a unrecognisable person...

and when he was in his lowest those "friends" left him..they left him when he needed them the most...they broke his trust and when he discovered the truth he was beyond shock...

 they just used him..and when their work was done they left him just like that....

he knew that he can no more deny that he had completely , passionately , insanely , desperately and specially hopelessly in love with NITYA

he was not able to trust anyone after what had happened..he became cold and distant..he would not talk to anyone unless its his family members...

and his this become his personality even when he became the CEO of one of the best company of india...MATHUR & CO. 

a successful and youngest billionaire of the country.... 

                                                           "  i made a mistake, 

                                           now i'm living with the consequences

                                                       I regret it..i really do..

                                                                 and i'm sorry..."

                                                                                         -VANSHIV MATHUR


hi guyyyysss....this is ruhi...


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