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Hitomi didn't remember when she fell asleep. The eve had been fun, but also tiring. Niki's bed was soft and comfortable to sleep in. 

Hitomi became aware from her sleep, when she felt someone's presence near her. She opened her eyes, or they might already have been open, she didn't remember and didn't even pay attention to it. Hitomi looked next to the bed and saw Niki standing there expressionless and silent. 

Hitomi was taken aback. What was he doing? All she knew was that it looked creepy as hell. She raised her upper body to a half-sitting position. She was about to ask what was he doing, but did not make it before Niki crouched and placed his hand on the bed on both sides of her. Hitomi backed a little in confusion. 

The room was dark and she couldn't see properly, which gave her a really sinister feeling and frankly, she was a little scared. Nothing came out of her mouth, she couldn't say anything in that confusion. 

"Don't move." Niki mumbled quietly and in a deep voice. It was definitely Niki's voice, but still it sounded a bit different.

 Niki crawled on top of Hitomi. In Hitomi's mind, she tried to stop him from towering her on the bed, but her body didn't budge. His hands was on both sides of her upper body and his head slowly approached her face. She tried so hard to move her hands to push him away, but she could only lift them up to his wrists. 

And till that moment, she still couldn't see his face fully, because it was too dark, but the outlines were clear. "What are you doing?" Hitomi asked in confusion and in fear when something finally escaped from her mouth. 

Niki didn't reply anything. His other hand began to squeeze her waist and rubbing her bare skin under the shirt. "Stop." Hitomi commanded shakily, but he kept going. Now his lips were on her neck, kissing it harshly. "Niki!" She screamed in disbelief, but with no replies. 

Now Hitomi's hands allowed her to move them. She tried to push the boy from his shoulders, but no muscle of his body did budge. At the same time, she tried to get up from the laying position, but with Niki on top of her, she couldn't. The boy was so sturdy and wouldn't move no matter what she tried.

Hitomi was so confused and scared that tears began to form in her eyes and flow down near her ears. Her legs were still stiff. She gave up from trying to get away. "Don't.." She tried to command lachrymously.

Her breathing was heavy, but shaky. Her body was trembling and she didn't know what else to do anymore. 

Now his hand slid lower between Hitomi's legs, to stroke her inner thighs. "Niki, stop!" She kept screaming tearfully, but Niki didn't even seem to hear her and his lips moved to the other side of her neck. "Please stop.." 

Her sight began to get blurry and her ears began to ring. "Hitomi?" A voice said through the ringing. "Hitomi!" Now, it intensified. "Wake up." Those were the last words she heard before she flinched by someone touching her shoulder gently and she opened her eyes. Hitomi jumped up from her laying position and sat on the bed with tears on her cheeks and her body trembling. 

"What's wrong?" Niki asked worriedly. It looked almost the same as just a moment ago. Niki was standing next to the bed, but he looked confused and concerned. The room wasn't as dark anymore. There were no windows in the room, but Niki's night lamp was on, which illuminated the room clearly. That's when she realized. It was a dream..  No, it was a nightmare.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Niki asked and sat on the edge of the bed, near her. Hitomi wiped off all her tears and nodded slightly. 

It felt so real, too real. Like all the fear and confusion she endured was all sheer reality. "What was it about?" Niki gently asked. Of course she couldn't tell a dream like that to him. What would he think about it? 

"You repeated my name while sleeping. You wanted me to stop.. Something?" Niki said.

Hitomi spoke in her sleep. No way, he heard it. "I-I don't remember.." Hitomi lied. She remembered every single detail of the dream, it felt so real almost like it actually happened. But Niki wouldn't do that, right? But why would she even see a dream like that? 

"It's alright. Sometimes it's good if we forget our dreams. Try to sleep some more." Niki lastly said and patted her head the same way as he did in the soccer practice few days ago. He turned off the light and went back to his mattress. 

Hitomi tried to sleep that night, but she couldn't. She kept thinking about the dream. Why was it so distressing? People usually forget most of their dreams, but Hitomi will never forget this one. After all it wasn't that scary, but something was so wrong about it.


In the morning she didn't mention anything about last night and Niki didn't either. Maybe he forgot it? He was also sleepy then, and could forget it easily. 

Hitomi tried to get it out of her head, but it didn't help, because every time she saw Niki, which happened a lot since they were under the same roof, it came back to her mind. She just wanted to go home soon to have her own peace for a while. But she didn't have to wait long before his mother was leaving around noon.


Hitomi had a really boring break actually. Yuma has left to Osaka to see his adult sister for a long time. From Okayama, where Hitomi lives, it is about a two and a half hour drive to Osaka. It would have been pretty chaotic, if Yuma's whole family left there, so he went there only with his older brother. 

She hung out with Mina a couple of times, but she also seemed busy. Mina traveled a lot to different places. Was Hitomi the only one who was home the holidays? Her mother doesn't prefer traveling a lot and likes the time at home. Hitomi does too, but a little trip would not be a big deal. 

Emiko had working days too on somedays, as a nurse. She seemed to be taking some overtime with Reina.

Niki was also at home, which was reflected in the fact that he messaged Hitomi from time to time. Hitomi didn't feel like contacting him now. Maybe she needed a little more time?

Dec 29th, 3:11 AM

Niki: What are you doing?

3:49 AM

Niki: Hey, you saw my message?

Niki: What is it? Why u ignoring?

Jan 2nd, 5:22

Niki: Hitomi?

Niki: Still no?

Niki: Did I do something? What did I do?

Niki: Just answer me, I know you saw these


Those were the last messages Hitomi received from him on the break. Maybe she felt a bit bad. It wasn't his fault. It was her way of thinking's. Why didn't she just answer? 

And if he'd actually have something important or urgent to tell, he knows where she lives. So, it couldn't be that important then.

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