Cry baby

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why are you crying again

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why are you crying again

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i told him ....
about jiyong?!

oh it bad

how bad?

his eyes are red he looks like he hasn't slept in days and he literally in a cow pjs!

damn thought he said he was ready for the full  story !

he was fine when i told him

probably processed it after you left


Jeonghan looks around suspiciously as seungcheol doesn't allow him to do anything but just sit and wait , he was about to voice out his complain when seungcheol but a cup infront of him with some kind of tea in it .

Finally sitting down seungcheol nudged his head towards him which made jeonghan frown since he didn't want tot all about this subject at all

Seungcheol: tell me when your ready

he said sipping on his own cup of tea.[pun intended 😝]

Taking a deep breath joeghan took a sip of his tea before starting

I met him when he was sophomore in high school and i was a freshmen, he was my assigned mentor which meant i spent most of my friday afternoon with him , talking getting to know him and how he can help me in his academics.
Over time i started crushing on him, at first it was
a small innocent crush, i mean i couldn't help it he was really nice to me leaving little gifts on my table making sure i have eaten, he was just always there when i needed him. The little crush started growing and before i
could help it i was crazy in love with him .

Thinking i had no chance i almost gave up on my crush until he confessed to me three days before his graduation , of course i said yes and we started dating. Everything was fine he waited until i graduated e fore we both moved in together that when it started.
Him staying out late, barely answering my text messages. At first i didn't mind it since we were both in college so i just thought he was busy with school works.

Then the rumors came along, people reeling
me he was seeing the campus sweetheart. I also ignore it until everywhere i went they were telling me that where ever i went on campus.
I confronted him about it a few times and he would normally just walk out on me and that would be the end of it.

I started ignoring him too since he was already doing that , that where the beating came in.
If he texted me and i didn't reply back immediately no matter where i am the second i get home. Either a plate or something sharp will be thrown at him the second i close the door behind me . Thanking God for my
quick reflex i normally was able to dodge it ,
but it started
becoming everything he can find and every little thing i did that upsetting to him , talking on the phone, closing the door too hard or even dropping something, even during all of this i still stayed.
I know it was a stupid idea but i stilled loved him, or that what i thought whatever i felt about him was.

The night where it all went down was after I caught him cheating with my own two eyes. And when i confronted him about it , he raised his hand son me for the first time i thought he didn't mean it but after he hit me the second time ,
it was like i was woken up from a dream.
I tried to leave the house but he overpowered me in terms of strength and speed, i tried screaming for help , but the last thing i remeber was the cold floor on my check.

I woke up to the hot felling of water
on my skin making me confuse .I tried moving as i open my eyes but panicked when i could move my hands as it seemed like i was tied to something making me scream in horror. But all i got back was jiyong hushing me and before i knew it i was manhandled from the tub to the bed were the worst of the worst happen.

Wiping the tears he hadn't noticed fell down with force he sniffled before

He raped me that day, not only that too he filmed it . He also threaten me after all that if i even think of reporting it he would release the video to every one on campus . That was his excuse whenever he wanted to sleep with me , he would threaten me with the video and i would have no choice but to but agree to it .
This went on for about 6 months before he one day jus told
me he was
moving to the states and demanded i forget e running about him and walked out of my life that day leaving me with the best gift i could ask for chan

I was three weeks pregnant with chan when he asked for that but i never told him . Even when joshua threatened to
tell our parents if i don't tell him , i didn't i never wanted chan to know of the terrible man his dad
was .

Do you know the funny part? I accepted him right back after 5 years of him leaving me with scars deeper than black holes.
I knew it was stupid but something in
me told me to give him a chance but there where you came into the image and i couldn't help
comparing his behavior to yours, you were everything he wasn't, you were sweet,funny , easy tot all to ,chan liked you most importantly, he never was a fun of me being close with someone but with you he seem fine with the idea.
That why i wanted to tell
you seungcheol am not looking for some short term relationship ship. What we become i want it to be longer than a fling. I want us to a healthy and loving relationship.

Seungcheol nodded holding back all the emotions running through him.

Seungcheol: I promise to love you and get to love you till my last breath and with chan i have always felt abone with him and i promise to be the best uncle he can ask for

Jeonghan: Dad seungcheol i want you to treat him like your son if you are fine with it ..

seungcheol nodded aggressively as he hugged jeonghan and stayed in that position until his hip start hurting from the position they were in .

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