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Chapter Five

Mia Ahara

I rushed to the bathroom and threw up for what felt like the umpteenth time today. What the hell is happening to me?

I brushed my teeth and then went back to the room. I lay on the bed.

Leonardo was not at home today he said that he had something to take care of. I feel a little more comfortable around him now since I told him my story. He treats me like a queen and treats Leo like a prince.

I learned that Leonardo mother's name is Alessandra. We have gotten quite close over the week. She treats Lee as if he was her grandchild.

Michael, there's something about him. He resembles Jake so much that it terrifies me.

The ringing of my phone, yes, he bought me a phone, brought me out of my thoughts. Checking the caller's ID, I saw that it was Leonardo.

"Hi" I answered shyly.

"Hello Love" Leonardo greets

"Hi" I said again. Leonardo chuckles "Sorry" I apologized.

"How are you and Lee doing?"

"Lee's great, He's with your mother at the moment. I'm upstairs resting"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"I'm not feeling well, so your mother told me to rest. I think she knows what's wrong with me, but she won't tell me" I said sadly

"Hey, don't be sad, I'll ask her and get back to you"


"Bye Love"


I laid in bed for a while, but I was getting bored. Getting up, I put on my slippers and went downstairs. When I was about to enter the living room, I heard Alessandra speaking. I halted at the door and listened.

"I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with her, but she has the symptoms of a pregnant woman"

My heart skipped a beat, and I held on to the wall for balance. Am I hearing correctly?

"I think Mia is pregnant, but I don't want to give her attest and have her traumatized."

It's about me, I'm hearing correctly. Oh my God, this is not happening. My breathing got heavier, and my vision got blurry. I stumbled into the living room.

"Alessandra" I called "Am I pregnant?" I sobbed

"I am not certain darling"

"I can't, I can't be-" I managed to get out before everything went dark.

Leonardo Alosio

I finished my work at the office and quickly headed home. When mom told me that Mia might be pregnant, I was shocked. Even though it's that son-of-a-bitch's child, I will cherish it as much as I cherish Lee.

Opening the door to the house I went in, Mia was laying on one of the couches, sleeping?

"Is she sleeping?" I questioned

"No, she fainted" Mom answered

"How, what happened?"

"She heard us talking on the phone"

"I want to help her mom. I want to make her happy. I don't wat her to cry anymore."

"You're doing great son" mom convinced, I nodded my head and then asked "Where's my son?" As soon as I asked this, I saw him creeping towards me.

I took him up from the floor. "Hello baby" I greeted "Daddy's home" I cooed. Lee placed his tiny hands on my face, and I put it in my mouth and bit it gently and playfully with my lips folded. Lee giggled, showing his two front teeth.

I heard a groan and turned around, Mia was awake, and she was holding her head. "Mom could you take Lee, I need to speak with Mia" I asked, mom nodded and went away.

I hugged Mia she tensed and then she started sobbing. After a while, she calmed down, and we pulled apart.

"Why Leo?" Mia suddenly questioned. I looked at her in confusion "Why what?" I asked.

"Why do you still want me here, I'm broken. It's not like I don't want someone who is willing to take care of me, but I have another man's children"

"Don't you dare say that again" I scowled

"What?" she asked, confused

"These kids are more mine than they are his Mia, so stop saying that they are his. They might be blood related, but he doesn't have what it takes to be a father nor a real man"

"But-" she protested. I silenced her by connecting my lips to hers. She kissed me back for a few seconds and then pushed me away in panic.

"It's just been two weeks, Leo. Jacob is probably still searching for us. Are you willing to put your family in danger for some woman that you barely know?"

I grabbed her jaw "What did I tell you about saying things like that?"

"I'm sorry" she apologized, teary-eyed

I sigh "Just don't say things like that. Now go and take these" I said, handing her three pregnancy tests. She took them with shaky hands. We walked up the stairs in silence. Mia went inside the bathroom while I waited in the bedroom. She came out to minutes later, and we both sat nervously as we waited for the result.

After five minutes, we both returned to the bathroom to see what the results were. There sat the three tests, all possessing two pink lines.

"I'm pregnant" Mia sniffled

"We are a family Mia" I told her with a huge smile on my face. She looked at me with tears stained eyes.

"Thank you, Leo," she said. "You've been so good to me."

"It's not a problem, Mia. It's about time someone shows you that there are good people in the world." I smiled

She hugged me passionately. We stayed like that not wanting to let go.

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