{girls just wanna have fun}

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"ONE TIME, THERE was this patient that had a dildo lodged in his ass at my Dad's hospital," Anjali, my best friend, yells at us, her heavily accented voice, tinged with excitement. She's twisting her upper body to the catchy tune playing in the club, her butt still stuck to a chair.

"What?! No way!" My least favorite person in the entire world right now, Tiwa, exclaims, her kohl rimmed eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes way!" Tucking her silky, long, hair behind her ear, Anjali sips on a glass of wine. "When the nurse asked him how that happened, he claimed he slipped and fell on it. Yeah, like anyone is going to believe that."

She snickers, rolling her eyes and we all hoot loudly in laughter even though I don't find anything relatively amusing. Not to shade Anjali though. She's very funny, it's just that I don't want to be here and as tempting as that option seems, I cannot escape these party fiends I call my friends.

Again, my mind drifts to how I found myself in this position. The second I dropped my pen for our second year medical exams at Harvard Medical School, Tiwa and Anjali had coaxed me to join them in a girl's chillout week. And I couldn't say no, not after they'd threatened me severely so here I was, ruing that decision.

Anjali gulps down the rest of her Sex On The Beach before standing from the table we three sit on. "Damn, I have to refill my glass."

A frown etches itself between my brows and I ask, slightly concerned, "Girl, relax. You just finished your third glass. Aren't you tipsy already?"

"No, I'm not, Mother. I'm gonna go get a drink and of course, search for some handsome guy to bang me hard. I deserve it after all that school stress." A flirtatious wink is sent my way, coupled with a thrusting motion that she mimics with her fingers. There's no doubt that my friend is already drunk, with that stagger and a glazed shimmer in her eyes, try as she might want to deny it.

"But. . ." It's me again, the voice of reason, anxious that someone will take advantage of her. Despite Anjali being a lightweight, she always insists on downing about 10 shots of hard liquor whenever she's out partying. And while she has never revealed it to us, I believe it's her subtle way of rebellion. Like she's telling her strict Indian parents fuck you for shipping me abroad to study medicine and take over your fucking family business. Her words, not mine.

"But nothing. See," Three henna decorated fingers are held up to my view, each studded with flashy, silver rings. "I can count up to three so that means I'm not drunk."

-Fully drunk yet.

Reluctant, I nod just as Tiwa butts in, "Kaira, let the thirsty breathe. My girl truly deserves those drinks and Angelfish, if you find any yummy guys, steer them my way for a taste of black pussy!"

"Oh shut up! Not Angelfish!!" At that nickname, Anjali flips Tiwa the middle finger before heading to the bar.

Shaking my head at their antics, I watch her go, noticing how men stop and stare at her curvy body encased in an extremely short gown. Yeah, she would have no qualms finding a man tonight.

A Touch Of Sin #1Where stories live. Discover now