Chapter : 26

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First' s pov

What time is it right now??

Maybe around 2 in the afternoon or something, there was bright sunlight outside but it's not hot ,it's warm and cosy

The afternoon breeze slowly brushing my face ,tickling my hair made me giggle

My right hand was intertwined with khao's hand ,he was driving but never once leaving my hand

He was driving us somewhere ,wherever it is ,I didn't mind ,I just love being with this guy whom I can proudly call my husband !!

He pulled us somewhere and we came to a hotel and restaurant combined which has a huge front yard for parking and on the other side ,it has kids zone where kids can play swing and slides

The hotel and restaurant was beautiful

Khao parked the car and turned towards me and said

Khao:I figured we didn't had a proper lunch ,so I was thinking for grabbing lunch first before moving onto our date well it does considered as a date !!said while tightening his grip around my hand but not too tightly ,guess he was too nervous about my reply

I just giggled at his face and said

First :It's perfect!I am hungry too!!said while rubbing my tummy

Khao smiled and said

Khao:Well,let's fill that little tummy first!said while pointing at my tummy

As I was about to get down ,Khao called me ,I turned around and met with a pair of lips

It was a second peck

Khao:Felt like kissing you !Sorry if I startled you!said while smiling

I just took his face into my hands and kissed him ,the lips were not moving but it still gave the most comfortable feeling

First :Well I don't mind the kiss !!said while winked at him and got down the car

Khao chuckled and got down the car ,locking it behind

He took first' s hand into his and walked into the restaurant

Well we stepped into the restaurant,it was beautiful,not too much decorations but most of the decorations are plants only

We immediately found an empty table by the window and sat at that

Khao:So what do you want to eat ?asked while going through the menu

First :I think you knew my favourites ,why don't you order for me ??asked trying to tease Khao

Khao:Ok,the let's order !Khao raised his hand trying to call for a waiter ,within a few seconds an young boy came to our table asking for our order

Khao first ordered for himself and ordered for me ,I am surprised how he managed to know all my favourites

Well,he loves me I guess I could enjoy him spoiling me

First : I am impressed!!said genuinely

Khao:I know everything about you inside and out !I love you !And I love you for ever !!confessed suddenly

First was red from the sudden confession

First : I love you too ,hubby!!said while holding his hand which was resting on the table

Khao:I can't handle your cuteness ,wifey!said while tightening the hold

First giggled and covered his face with his another hand ,it made him more cute

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